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Corridor Management Planning for Scenic Byways Transportation Conference 2006 Presentation Deborah Divine Kansas Scenic Byways Program Manager.

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1 Corridor Management Planning for Scenic Byways Transportation Conference 2006 Presentation Deborah Divine Kansas Scenic Byways Program Manager


3 Transportation is about more than asphalt, concrete and steel -- its about partners and connections - - Rodney Slater Former U.S. Secretary of Transportation

4 A scenic byway is: A route designated by federal, state or local government that offers travelers access to beautiful scenery and the cultural and natural riches of our country.

5 National Program –ISTEA 1991 –Identify Americas Scenic Roadway Resources and Tell Their Stories –Intrinsic Qualities: scenic, historic, cultural, natural, recreational and archeological –Grassroots Initiative –Corridor Management Planning –Grants Program –National Scenic Byway Designation

6 Kansas Program Patterned after National Grassroots Scenic Focus Mile-by-mile Evaluation Corridor Management Plan Designation Implementation

7 Corridor Management Plan A written document defining goals, strategies and assignments about how the byway intends to preserve, enhance and promote its intrinsic resources.

8 CMP = National Requirement State Requirement in KS Basis for Grant Applications Preparation for National Application Leverage Resources Partner Involvement Yippee– now a byway, now what Focuses byway efforts and understanding

9 14 Components for National CMP Map IQ Assessment Preservation and enhancement strategies Responsible parties Development strategies Public participation Road safety record Commercial traffic

10 More Components Minimize intrusions Outdoor advertising regulations Roadway signs Marketing Roadway design standards Interpretation

11 Steps 1.Form Committee – include key stakeholders including aginers 2.Keep the public and local officials informed 3.Identify and inventory key resources 4.Assess inventory 5.Create a vision, mission and scoping statement

12 More Steps 6. Develop goals, objectives and action steps 7.Present to public 8.Present to local officials for resolution of support 9.Submit to State Program 10.Revise as necessary 11.Celebrate and implement!!

13 Inventories Roadway itself List partners and existing efforts Intrinsic qualities Tourism and economic development capabilities

14 Vision Statement about what the byway is now and will be in the future: The Kansas Wetlands and Wildlife Scenic Byway includes conservation and promotion of the resources along the designated route and provides management of the route by local jurisdictions for economic development and long-term resource protection.

15 SMART Goals Specific – clearly defined Measurable – will you know when youre done? Attainable -- realistic Relevant – pertinent to the byway Time-based – within a given time frame

16 Wetlands and Wildlife National Scenic Byway Goals Conservation: Identify and Protect Resources Enhancement: Develop Corridor Enhancements Enhancement: Compatible Development Visitor Experience: Enhance and Promote Promotion: Community Involvement through Organizational Structure

17 Key Points Communicate Early and Often Engage Partners Incorporate Existing Plans Balance Specific and General Objectives

18 Potential Partners Federal Agencies State Agencies State Non-Governmental Organizations Regional Organizations Byway Community Groups Landowners

19 Kansas Scenic Byways Program Clearinghouse Assists local communities Planning, engineering, design, marketing Produces brochures, maps, website, other interpretive materials Outreach programs Partners with others Administers for Scenic Byway Committee (KDOT, KDWP, KSHS, KDOC T&T)

20 Questions?

21 Scenic corridors help us value our uniqueness and celebrate the mix of community - - Judy OBannon

22 Enjoy driving Kansas Scenic Byways! 1-800-684-6966 Deborah Divine, Program Manager

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