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Financing Technology Transfer by the GEF: Experiences and Opportunities UNFCCC Latin America and Caribbean Regional Workshop on Preparing Technology Transfer.

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Presentation on theme: "Financing Technology Transfer by the GEF: Experiences and Opportunities UNFCCC Latin America and Caribbean Regional Workshop on Preparing Technology Transfer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Financing Technology Transfer by the GEF: Experiences and Opportunities UNFCCC Latin America and Caribbean Regional Workshop on Preparing Technology Transfer Projects for Financing Belize City, May 5-7, 2010

2 GEF as a Partnership and Catalyst Partnership with 10 GEF agencies to fund projects in developing countries 3 Trust Funds GEF Trust Fund Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF) 181 member countries

3 GEF and the International Environmental Conventions GEF is a designated financial mechanism for: – United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – Convention on Biological Diversity – Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants – United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification GEF also closely cooperates with other international agreements – International and transboundary water systems – Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer

4 Leader in Financing Technology Transfer GEF Trust Fund invested in $2.7 billion in over 150 countries – Mitigation – Adaptation – Technology Needs Assessments – National Communications to the UNFCCC Largest multilateral public-sector tech transfer mechanism – Financed demonstration, deployment, diffusion, and transfer of more than 45 environmentally sound technologies

5 GEFs Role in Financing Clean Energy and Technology Investments Catalytic – Leveraged more than $17 billion in co- financing on its $2.7 billion of investments Innovative – Leader in financing new, emerging technologies and practices – Pioneer in supporting market-based approaches (e.g., ESCOs) and innovative financial instruments Cost-effective – Over 2.5 billion tonnes of CO 2 avoided – Amounts to slightly over $1/tonnes CO 2

6 Poznan Strategic Program on Technology Transfer Support for Technology Needs Assessments – Support 35-45 countries (in addition to 90 TNAs previously supported) Support for Technology Transfer Pilot Projects Dissemination of successfully demonstrated technologies and know- how

7 Long-Term Implementation of the Poznan Strategic Program: Objectives for GEF-5 Demonstration, deployment, and transfer of innovative low-carbon technologies Market transformation for energy efficiency in industry and the building sector Investment in renewable energy technologies Energy efficient, low-carbon transport and urban systems Conservation and enhancement of carbon stocks through sustainable management of land use and forestry Enabling activities and capacity building

8 Technology Development Cycle and Innovation Chain

9 Context of GEF Replenishments The GEF Trust Fund gets replenished every four years by donors. GEF-5 replenishment will fund the operations of the GEF from July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2014 (FY2011-2014). GEF-5 replenishment negotiations are expected to conclude in May 2010.

10 History of GEF Replenishments GEF Pilot Phase (FY1991-1994) – $1 billion GEF-1 (FY1995-1998) – $2.2 billion GEF-2 (FY1999-2002) – $2.8 billion GEF-3 (FY2003-2006) – $2.9 billion GEF-4 (FY2007-2010) – $3.1 billion GEF-5 (FY2011-14) ?

11 Contact Information Zhihong Zhang, Ph.D. Cluster Coordinator Climate Change Mitigation Email: Tel: 202-473-9852 Website:

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