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Office of the Biomass Program Traci Leath U.S. Department of Energy Atlanta Regional Office Southern Bio-Products Conference Biloxi, MS March 4 th, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Office of the Biomass Program Traci Leath U.S. Department of Energy Atlanta Regional Office Southern Bio-Products Conference Biloxi, MS March 4 th, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Office of the Biomass Program Traci Leath U.S. Department of Energy Atlanta Regional Office Southern Bio-Products Conference Biloxi, MS March 4 th, 2004

2 Overall program planning, evaluation, and integration led by Headquarters and the Program Integrator at NREL DOE project management, reporting, execution by DOE Field Offices Research, development, and demonstration at the national laboratories, universities, and with industry through industry-validated core research at the labs and through public-private partnerships –Core high-risk, long-term research at the national laboratories and universities with industry evaluation –Near-term research, pilot and larger demonstrations through industry-led consortiums General Responsibilities

3 Organization

4 Mission of OBP The mission of OBP is to partner with U.S. industry to foster research and development on advanced technologies that will transform our abundant biomass resources into clean, affordable, and domestically-produced biofuels, biopower and high- value products. The result will be improved economic development, expanded energy supply options, and increased energy security

5 Program Goal Hierarchy $7.00 per MMBtu syngas $0.10 per lb sugars Industrial viability of four commodity scale products Intermediate Goals (2012) EERE Strategic Goals 1. Dramatically reduce or even end our dependence on foreign oil 2. Create the new domestic bioindustry DOE's Strategic Goal To protect our national and economic security by promoting a diverse supply of reliable, affordable, and environmentally sound energy 2005: Demonstrate an integrated process for fuels production from biomass 2007: Complete technology development necessary to enable start-up demonstration of a biorefinery producing fuels, chemicals, and power 2010: Help U.S. industry to establish the first large- scale biorefinery based on agricultural residues OBP Program Goal Develop biorefinery-related technologies to the point that they are cost- and performance-competitive and are used by the nations transportation, energy, Chemical, and power industries to meet their market objectives.

6 04 Joule Milestones Demonstrate clean syngas production in three thermochemical conversion systems. Achieve a net 3 percent increase in ethanol production utilizing corn fiber. Validate one new biobased product technology at pilot scale, with long-term product potential of greater than 2 billion lbs/yr sales. Advance one new biobased product technology within a biorefinery to scale-up with partners' intention to commercialize in a new industrial biorefinery by FY2008. Reduce Programs annual uncosteds by 10% in 2004.

7 Strategy: Remove Technical Barriers Thermo-Chemical Platform Sugar Platform Biomass CO, H 2, Bio-oils Sugar Feedstocks & Lignin Residues Advanced Biomass Process R&D Technology Validation and Systems Integration The Integrated Biorefinery Fuels, Chemicals, Materials, Heat & Power Mixed Sugars Syngas, Pyrolysis-oils

8 Program Accomplishments Biorefinery Awards – 6 awards ($76M DOE/$79M Cost share) Joint USDA/DOE Solicitation (02,03,04) NBC Integration Progress Capital investment providing advanced capabilities (PNNL/NREL) Improved involvement of industry in Program Planning and Stage Gate Execution throughout program –Petroleum/Petrochemical Industry participating in Program Reviews Feedstock Roadmap (elaborates on FACA roadmap) Progress of Enzyme Companies in Cellulase Cost Reductions High pretreatment solids levels in pilot reactor Phenol Formaldehyde Resin – Successful OSB Mill trial Successful conclusion of Small Modular Biopower with 6 field demonstrations with USFS collaboration Georgia Pacific black liquor gasification construction phase completed

9 OBP MYTP Comprehensive work breakdown structure Unprecendented scope and collaboration –HQ, GO, NETL, and NBC managed projects –Merged 3 former Programs Biofuels, Biopower, Office of Industrial Technologies – biomass Milestones, cost, schedule Every project is linked to Program goals, objectives and technical barriers

10 Work Breakdown Structure

11 Feedstock Cost Reductions

12 Sugar Cost Reductions

13 Syngas Cost Reductions

14 Financial Status

15 ANY QUESTIONS? Traci Leath US DOE Atlanta Regional Office 404-562-0570

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