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CaPP Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation into Disaster Reduction Activities Living with risk in a changing climate Elisabeth Mausolf, 5. June 2003.

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Presentation on theme: "CaPP Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation into Disaster Reduction Activities Living with risk in a changing climate Elisabeth Mausolf, 5. June 2003."— Presentation transcript:

1 CaPP Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation into Disaster Reduction Activities Living with risk in a changing climate Elisabeth Mausolf, 5. June 2003 Climate Protection Programme

2 Mitigation of GHG emissions Adaptation to Climate Change Climate Protection Programme for Developing Countries

3 CaPP Background to Adaptation in CaPP CaPP new focus on adaptation (mandate from BMZ) Goal: Mainstreaming adaptation into DC Screening process as a basis for identification of sectors and regions Finding of overlaps with ongoing TC projects

4 CaPP Holistic Approach to Adaptation  Taking into account the sociological, economic and ecological dimension of adaptation  Learning from the past for the future  Protecting human lifes  Strengthening the adaptive capacity and resilience of poor people to reduce their vulnerability  Institution building and institutional changes

5 CaPP Challenges in Mainstreaming Availability of opportunities for no-regret project options and win- win solutions Learning from each other (internationally, multidisciplinary) Finding right partners & approaches Openess of partner countries & collegues

6 CaPP Identification of Areas for Intervention  Take into account: –COP decisions, NAPA, PRSP, MDG, 2015, MEA, –Disaster Prevention  Awareness creation in German Development Scene  Screening of relevant areas to prioritise regions and sectors in GTZ

7 CaPP Screened Projects: Overview

8 CaPP

9 Diversification of Risks Build on rich traditional knowledge (drought-resistant crops, coping strategies) Test & further develop water-harvesting/ saving technologies Promote income generating activities as a risk management strategy to reduce vulnerabilities and build resilience Develop ideas on early warning systems Include vulnerability indicators

10 CaPP Identification of linkages Including the informations out of regional modells into improved early warning systems Shift of paradigm in GTZ from reaction to prevention Mainstreaming into Rural Development, Spatial Planning, CCD Close cooperation with GTZ division Disaster Prevention Identifying common partners and pilot projects, long term perspective Learning from disaster risk management Early warning, disaster mitigation, climate variability & weather extremes CaPP’s adaptation concept include the recognition & further development of disaster risk managent instruments Working relations/exchange of information (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DKKV, International Red Cross, ISDR)

11 CaPP For your attention!

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