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Community Developed Renewable Energy Projects in Scotland Mo Cloonan Community Energy Scotland Feb 17 th 2009.

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1 Community Developed Renewable Energy Projects in Scotland Mo Cloonan Community Energy Scotland Feb 17 th 2009

2 Highlands and Islands Community Energy Company ; HICEC 2002-2008 SCHRI Over 425 projects assisted Over 200 capital installations Community revenue generating projects


4 ‘to build confidence, resilience and wealth at community level in Scotland through sustainable energy development' Community Energy Scotland (CES) Aug 2008 Non profit distributing body -charitable status, -membership based organisation, open to all communities

5 Community Owned Revenue generation projects 45+ current projects Wind Hydro AD

6 WHY? Community owned and community developed - capacity building Revenue stream for regeneration

7 WHY? Regeneration Tackle fuel poverty Energy conservation in homes and businesses Employment opportunities Affordable housing Dynamic sustainable community Improve local amenities Health & leisure facilities Business development

8 WHY? Independence Energy aware Resource Assistance available

9 HOW? Community Capacity Strong sense of need /purpose Cohesive and productive community Volunteer commitment Energy awareness Q34. Has your project generated much positive interest in renewables amongst the local community? No 17% Yes 83%

10 HOW? Assistance Government assistance/finance Lottery assistance CES programme Community focused financiers Other communities’ experiences

11 HOW? Start Up Assistance Raise awareness Community support Constitute organisation Up to £2000 Is the commitment there?

12 HOW? Feasibility Assistance Reasonable chance, given planning, grid, environmental factors? Technical, financial and social feasibility; Up to £15,000 /100%

13 HOW? Assistance towards planning consent Project design Planning, env & reg Financial planning Community investment plan Connection agreement

14 HOW? Assistance post planning consent Turbine procurement& contract negotiation Financing negotiations Connection agreements - RPZ

15 SUCCESS! 4 community projects recently permitted in Orkney 2 projects securing turbines by mid 2009 1 project securing turbines by late 2009 4 other projects secured planning permission Inclusion in RPZ negotiations Gigha community wind operating since late 2004.

16 SUCCESS! GIGHA RENEWABLE ENERGY LIMITED 775kW installed capacity (3 x 225kW) 2.1 GWh annual output – grid connected Gross annual income £180k £440k capital cost met from IGHT / HIE equity, grant and finance. Net profit about £85k pa – to Isle of Gigha Heritage Trust

17 Constraints to further development Volunteer time Match funding Confidence, skills and awareness Infrastructure (e.g. distribution network) Supply chain + cost of plant Planning and regulation

18 Necessary Simple, clear and stable funding Continued government commitment to community scale –regulatory and financial Investment in infrastructure Training, skills and networking provision Planning process that differentiates between large scale and small scale

19 Communities leading and delivering renewable energy developments hand in hand with highly efficient energy use and a focus on carbon reduction Mo Cloonan Community Energy Scotland

20 Climate Challenge Programme Consortium structure 27 Communities Community Energy Scotland Development Trust Association Scotland

21 empower their residents with resilience and an ability to cope with growing energy prices Climate Challenge Programme Scotland's communities wishing to actively reduce their carbon emissions, reduce their reliance on imported fossil fuel energy Key challenge can these adjustments be made in a way which actually strengthens local communities and decouples their development from fossil energy use?

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