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Thriving Neighbourhoods on One Planet. Twenty years since the first world summit UN Rio+20 World Summit on Sustainable Development, June 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Thriving Neighbourhoods on One Planet. Twenty years since the first world summit UN Rio+20 World Summit on Sustainable Development, June 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thriving Neighbourhoods on One Planet

2 Twenty years since the first world summit UN Rio+20 World Summit on Sustainable Development, June 2012

3 “Our biggest challenge this new century is to take an idea that seems abstract – sustainable development – and turn it into a reality for the world’s people” Kofi Annan, former UN Secretary General, The Challenge

4 Creating a sense of place and community

5 Global Ecological Footprint Global Footprint Network

6 Our Ecological Budget 7 1.7

7 Footprints of different countries Global target - 1.7 hectares per person Mozambique -0.6 China - 1.6 South Africa - 2.3 UK - 5.6 Australia -7.0 USA - 9.6

8 Ecological Footprint - Lifestyles If everyone on earth had European patterns of consumption, we would need 3 planets to support us. If everyone had Australian lifestyles we would need 4 planets.

9 BedZED – making it easy to reduce footprint


11 Energy Saving SAVED

12 City Car Club and Electric Vehicles

13 SAVED Transport Saving

14 Easy Recycling

15 Waste Saving SAVED

16 Local Food

17 Food Saving SAVED

18 Audit of BedZED

19 One Planet Principles

20 One Planet Sutton

21 With is being achieved now…..

22 New cities

23 New landscapes

24 A green growth economy

25 Melbourne - WestWyck

26 Working together…. To create places, products, services, policies to Make it is easy, attractive and affordable for people to lead happy and healthy lives within a fair share of the Earth’s resources.

27 Planetary Boundaries Climate Change Ozone Depletion Ocean Acidification Freshwater Cycle Land Use Nitrogen Cycle Phosphorus Cycle Biodiversity Loss

28 Creating unique places to live work and play

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