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Enterprise Connect Assistance for Manufacturers. Enterprise Connect $50 Million a year Australian Government initiative Developed to provide practical.

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1 Enterprise Connect Assistance for Manufacturers

2 Enterprise Connect $50 Million a year Australian Government initiative Developed to provide practical support to assist SMEs to : Implement innovative changes Access new ideas, knowledge and technologies Improve competitiveness Improve productivity Improve sustainability

3 Enterprise Connect Manufacturing Innovative Regions Creative Industries Defence Resources Technology Remote Enterprises Clean Technology Printing & Publishing ICT Professional Services Tourism Transport & Logistics Food Network

4 Business Review No Financial Cost Confidential Holistic review of business An agreed action plan to implement improvement opportunities Qualified referrals and linkages

5 Tailored Advisory Services Assists firms to implement the recommended change projects Links firms to external improvement specialists Adds new capability to the firm Provides match funding of up to $20,000

6 Tailored Advisory Services Projects: Strategic Planning Internal Systems Production/Operational Marketing, Branding and Communications Human Resources

7 Key Enterprise Connect Elements Targeted assistance from the relevant Enterprise Connect network or centre Researchers in Business (RiB) supports the placement of researchers into businesses, to help develop and implement a new idea with commercial potential. A grant of up to $50,000 towards salary costs is available. Technology and Knowledge Connect (TKC) provides assistance with a technology issue or opportunities.

8 Key Enterprise Connect Elements Enterprise Learning (EL) provides forums and events for businesses to interact and gain from the experience of experts and exemplary firms Leadership 21 combines basic management theory with practical implementation. Action learning, coaching and peer work are key to the success of this dynamic program. Linkages and Export Markets

9 Business Review Client Engagement State Government Industry Capability Network EC Centres Austrade Market Intelligence IP Australia AusIndustry TKC Export Finance Insurance Corporation

10 Final Recommendations Client Improvement Making Better Managers Enterprise Learning Internal Action Clean Technology Innovation Network Recommendation Implementation EL Forums Tailored Advisory Service (TAS) Researchers in Business Industry & Government Resources SCIP Commercial Connections

11 Program to date Network national of specialised Business Advisors and Facilitators with commercial backgrounds. 6491 Business Reviews delivered across the program –63% (4052) of these to manufacturers 3132 TAS grants completed ($32m+) –61% (1909) of these to manufacturers ($20m+) 1281 TKC projects delivered 290 RiB projects approved totalling $10m+ 294 firms in the Continuous Improvement Program

12 Impact of Enterprise Connect 83% of firms said Enterprise Connect made them more productive or efficient (up from 74% in 2009-10) –in both surveys, significant numbers of clients cited increased sales, profits and exports resulting from their engagement with Enterprise Connect. Clients that implemented Business Review recommendations demonstrated higher management capabilities –strategic planning capability: 22% higher –innovation capability: 27% higher

13 How to apply? The application process is simple and quick Online application form Visit

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