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Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Instructions You will need to add the questions and answers to each Slide You will then need to link each response to.

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Presentation on theme: "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Instructions You will need to add the questions and answers to each Slide You will then need to link each response to."— Presentation transcript:


2 Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?

3 Instructions You will need to add the questions and answers to each Slide You will then need to link each response to the correct slide When playing the game you will need to keep track of your life lines on a piece of paper or on the board


5 200 Dollar Question Q. 2 A. Correct Response D. IncorrectB. Incorrect C. Incorrect

6 300 Dollar Question Q. 3 A. Correct Response D. IncorrectB. Incorrect C. Incorrect

7 500 Dollar Question Q. 4 A. Correct D. incorrectB. incorrect C. incorrect

8 1,000 Dollar Question Q. 5 A. incorrect D. Correct responseB. incorrect C. incorrect

9 2,000 Dollar Question Q. 6 A. incorrect D. incorrectB. incorrect C. Correct response

10 4,000 Dollar Question Q. 7 A. incorrect D. incorrectB. Correct response C. incorrect

11 8,000 Dollar Question Q. 8 A. incorrect D. Correct responseB. incorrect C. incorrect

12 16,000 Dollar Question Q. 9 A. incorrect D. Correct responseB. incorrect C. incorrect

13 32,000 Dollar Question Q. 10 A. incorrect D. incorrectB. Correct response C. incorrect

14 64,000 Dollar Question Q #11 A. CorrectCorrect D. IncorrectIncorrectB. IncorrectIncorrect C. IncorrectIncorrect

15 125,000 Dollar Question Q #12 A. IncorrectIncorrect D. IncorrectIncorrectB. IncorrectIncorrect C. CorrectCorrect

16 250,000 Dollar Question Q #13 A. IncorrectIncorrect D. IncorrectIncorrectB. IncorrectIncorrect C. CorrectCorrect

17 500,000 Dollar Question Q #14 A. IncorrectIncorrect D. IncorrectIncorrectB. CorrectCorrect C. IncorrectIncorrect

18 1,000,000 Dollar Question Q #15 A. IncorrectIncorrect D. IncorrectIncorrectB. IncorrectIncorrect C. CorrectCorrect

19 Correct Response $100 That was a correct Final Answer! On to the next question

20 Correct Response $200 Next Question

21 Correct Response $300 Next Question

22 Correct Response $500 Go to $1,000 dollar question

23 Correct Response $1,000 2,000 Dollar Question

24 Correct Response $2,000 4,000 Dollar Question

25 Correct Response $4,000 8,000 Dollar Question

26 Correct Response $8,000 16,000 Dollar Question

27 Correct Response $16,000 32,000 Dollar Question

28 Correct Response $32,000 64,000 Dollar Question

29 Correct Response $64,000 125,000 question

30 Correct Response $125,000 250,000 dollar question

31 Correct Response $250,000 500,000 dollar question

32 Correct Response $500,000 Million dollar Question!

33 Correct Response $1,000,000 Want to try for 2 Million? Q #16 A. IncorrectIncorrect B. IncorrectIncorrect C. IncorrectIncorrect D. CorrectCorrect

34 Incorrect Response ! Sorry, you just blew the whole million!

35 Congratulations! You’re a double millionaire!

36 Incorrect! Sorry Start over? Start over?

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