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Chapter Five Energy Resources Sections 1 and 2

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1 Chapter Five Energy Resources Sections 1 and 2
Tyler Guill and Calli Claybrook

2 Section 1: Natural Resources
A natural resource is any natural substance, organism, or energy form that living things use.

3 The Two Types of Resources
~Renewable Resources -A renewable resource is a natural resource that can be used and replaced over a relatively short time. ~Non-renewable Resources -A nonrenewable resource is a natural resource that cannot be replaced or that can be replaced only over thousands or millions of years.

4 Non-renewable Resources
Coal, petroleum, natural gas, and other types of fossil fuels are resources that are non-renewable.

5 Renewable Resources Wood, water, wind, geothermal energy, solar energy, and many other resources are renewable.

6 Conserving Natural Resources
Whether the natural resources we use are renewable or nonrenewable, we should be careful how we use them.

7 We should try to use natural resources only when necessary.
One way you can conserve water is by turning off the faucet while brushing your teeth.

8 One way to conserve energy is to unplug your phone charger after it is done charging.

9 Taking a walk instead of a drive in the car will save gas.

10 An important factor in conserving natural resources is recycling!

11 When you recycle use reuse natural resources to make them into new products. This in turn reduces the amount of natural resources that must be obtained from the Earth.


13 This chart shows the percentage of natural resources used in America.

14 Chapter 5 Section 2 Fossil Fuels

15 Fossil Fuels Fossil Fuels are nonrenewable energy resources that form the Earth’s crust over millions of years from buried remains of once-living organisms.

16 Liquid Fossil Fuels Petroleum, or crude oil, is an oily mixture of flammable organic compounds from which liquid fossil fuels and other products, such as asphalt, are separated. Among the types of fossil fuels separated from petroleum are gasoline, jet fuel, kerosene, diesel fuel, and fuel oil.

17 Gaseous Fossil Fuels Gaseous fossil fuels are classified as natural gas. Natural gas is used for heating and generating electricity. Some cars are fueled by liquefied natural gas instead of gasoline. Methane is the main component of natural gas, but other components include butane and propane.

18 Solid Fossil Fuels The solid fossil fuel that humans use most is coal.
Coal is a solid fossil fuel formed underground from buried, decomposed plant material.

19 Forming of Fossil Fuels
All fossil fuels form from the buried remains of ancient organisms. Petroleum and natural gas form mainly from microscopic sea life that die and settle as ocean sediments. Many rocks form over top of them and the fossil fuels are squeezed into permeable rocks and trapped.

20 Coal Formation Stage 1: Peat Bacteria and fungi transform sunken swamp plants into peat. Peat is about 60% carbon. Stage 2: Lignite Sediment buries the peat, increasing the pressure and temperature. This gradually turns the peat into lignite, which is about 70% carbon. Stage 3: Bituminous Coal The temperature and pressure continue to increase. Eventually lignite turns into bituminous coal. It’s about 80% carbon. Stage 4: Anthracite With more heat and pressure, bituminous coal eventually turns into anthracite, which is about 90% carbon.

21 How Humans obtain Fossil Fuels
Petroleum and natural gas are removed from the Earth by drilling wells into rock that contains these resources Coal is obtained either by mining deep beneath the Earth’s surface or by strip mining.

22 Problems with Fossil Fuels
Strip mining removes soil which plants and animals need. When coal is burned sulfur dioxide is released which causes acid rain. When obtaining petroleum there can be oil spills in the ocean which can ruin the marine life. When burning petroleum products a big environmental problem is smog.

23 Dealing with Fossil Fuel Problems
Carpooling and driving only when necessary Decrease use of all fossil fuels Use renewable energy sources (solar, wind, and geothermal)

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