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1 Fiscal Impact Analysis. 2 Fiscal impact analysis is the process of determining whether changes to your comprehensive plan are financially feasible.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Fiscal Impact Analysis. 2 Fiscal impact analysis is the process of determining whether changes to your comprehensive plan are financially feasible."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Fiscal Impact Analysis

2 2 Fiscal impact analysis is the process of determining whether changes to your comprehensive plan are financially feasible. Fiscal impact analysis is the process of determining whether changes to your comprehensive plan are financially feasible. What is Fiscal Impact Analysis?

3 3 There are Two Kinds of Financial Feasibility Section 163.3177(3)(b)1 - The capital improvements element shall be reviewed on an annual basis and modified as necessary in accordance with s. 163.3187 or s. 163.3189 in order to maintain a financially feasible 5-year schedule of capital improvements. Section 163.3177(3)(b)1 - The capital improvements element shall be reviewed on an annual basis and modified as necessary in accordance with s. 163.3187 or s. 163.3189 in order to maintain a financially feasible 5-year schedule of capital improvements. Section 163.3177(2) - Coordination of the several elements of the local comprehensive plan shall be a major objective of the planning process. The several elements of the comprehensive plan shall be consistent, and the comprehensive plan shall be financially feasible. Financial feasibility shall be determined using professionally accepted methodologies. Section 163.3177(2) - Coordination of the several elements of the local comprehensive plan shall be a major objective of the planning process. The several elements of the comprehensive plan shall be consistent, and the comprehensive plan shall be financially feasible. Financial feasibility shall be determined using professionally accepted methodologies.

4 4 Short-Term vs. Long-Term Source: TBRPC Future Land Use Plan Fiscal Impact Analysis

5 5 What revenues are you collecting? What does it cost to provide services? Do you have enough revenue to pay for services? CIE Financial Feasibility

6 6 What is your current land use pattern? What revenues are you collecting? What does it cost to provide services? Do you have enough revenue to pay for services? Will you have enough revenue to pay for services in the future? How will that change the cost of services you provide? How do you expect the land use pattern to change over time? How will that change the revenues you collect? Future Land Use Plan Financial Feasibility

7 7 What Factors Should Be Considered? Who will be coming to your community? Who will be coming to your community? Residents Residents Employees Employees What kinds of development will attract them? What kinds of development will attract them? Residential Residential Commercial Commercial Where will they be located? Where will they be located? Urban Center Urban Center Suburban Areas Suburban Areas Tourists Tourists Customers Customers Industrial Industrial Densities/Intensities Densities/Intensities Rural Areas Rural Areas CRAs CRAs

8 8 What kinds of service needs will your community have? What kinds of service needs will your community have? Sanitary sewer Sanitary sewer Solid waste Solid waste Drainage Drainage Potable water Potable water What will be the costs of providing these services? What will be the costs of providing these services? Capital costs Capital costs Operating costs Operating costs What revenues does your community collect? What revenues does your community collect? Property taxes Property taxes Impact fees Impact fees Parks and recreation Parks and recreation Schools Schools Transportation facilities Transportation facilities Public safety, libraries, other Public safety, libraries, other Contract fees Contract fees Debt service Debt service Utility fees Utility fees State & federal grants State & federal grants What Factors Should Be Considered?

9 9 Any FLUM amendments that occur after December 1, 2007 must be accompanied by a demonstration that your Future Land Use Plan is financially feasible. Any FLUM amendments that occur after December 1, 2007 must be accompanied by a demonstration that your Future Land Use Plan is financially feasible. You must also demonstrate financial feasibility with your EAR-based amendments, and any subsequent FLUM amendments thereafter. You must also demonstrate financial feasibility with your EAR-based amendments, and any subsequent FLUM amendments thereafter. DCA may develop a standard for FLUM amendments that are too minor to require a financial feasibility demonstration, but has not done so yet. DCA may develop a standard for FLUM amendments that are too minor to require a financial feasibility demonstration, but has not done so yet. When Does Your Future Land Use Plan Have to be Financially Feasible?

10 10 FIAM - The “Official” Way The Department of Community Affairs (DCA) has created a program called the Fiscal Impact Analysis Model (FIAM) to help local governments assess the financial feasibility of their comprehensive plans. While not mandatory, it is the methodology preferred by DCA. The Department of Community Affairs (DCA) has created a program called the Fiscal Impact Analysis Model (FIAM) to help local governments assess the financial feasibility of their comprehensive plans. While not mandatory, it is the methodology preferred by DCA. FIAM is a lengthy, complex spreadsheet that runs in Microsoft Excel. It requires each community to input a large quantity of detailed budget, land use, population, employment, public service, and other data. FIAM is a lengthy, complex spreadsheet that runs in Microsoft Excel. It requires each community to input a large quantity of detailed budget, land use, population, employment, public service, and other data. The community can use FIAM to test different development scenarios by altering its projected mix of future land use categories, taxes, fees, and level-of-service standards for public services within a timeframe of its choice. The community can use FIAM to test different development scenarios by altering its projected mix of future land use categories, taxes, fees, and level-of-service standards for public services within a timeframe of its choice.

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12 12 Where to Get Help with FIAM DCA has designated the regional planning councils as the training and technical support base for FIAM. DCA has designated the regional planning councils as the training and technical support base for FIAM. Initial training classes are over, but there is an ongoing FIAM Users Group. Initial training classes are over, but there is an ongoing FIAM Users Group. Patrick O’Neil, Sr. Econ. Planner Patrick O’Neil, Sr. Econ. Planner 727-570-5151 ext. 31 Avera Wynne, Planning Director Avera Wynne, Planning Director 727-570-5151 ext. 30 The Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council: The Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council:

13 13 Where to Get Help with FIAM The Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council: The Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council:

14 14 Where to Get Help with FIAM The FIAM Web Forum: The FIAM Web Forum:

15 15 Where to Get Help with FIAM The Department of Community Affairs: The Department of Community Affairs:

16 16 Alternatives to FIAM FIAM is a professionally-accepted methodology developed and supported by DCA, but there are other methodologies that could be utilized. FIAM is a professionally-accepted methodology developed and supported by DCA, but there are other methodologies that could be utilized. DCA recognizes that what might be professionally accepted and appropriate for a large urban area with a complicated capital budget might be quite different than a professionally acceptable approach for a small local government. DCA recognizes that what might be professionally accepted and appropriate for a large urban area with a complicated capital budget might be quite different than a professionally acceptable approach for a small local government. If your local government decides not to utilize FIAM, please contact DCA as soon as possible to discuss alternate approaches that could meet the “professionally accepted” requirement. (Mike O'Connell, 850-921-3775 or If your local government decides not to utilize FIAM, please contact DCA as soon as possible to discuss alternate approaches that could meet the “professionally accepted” requirement. (Mike O'Connell, 850-921-3775 or Source: TBRPC

17 17 Alternatives to FIAM The Hillsborough City-County Planning Commission has created its own model, the Fiscal Impact Estimates of Land Decisions (FIELD).

18 18 Alternatives to FIAM Community Guide to Development Impact Analysis by Mary Edwards Source: DCA Web Site

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20 20 What Help Can the PPC Provide? The PPC is currently assessing possible approaches for assisting local governments with meeting their financial feasibility requirements. The PPC is currently assessing possible approaches for assisting local governments with meeting their financial feasibility requirements. Our efforts will be concentrated on assisting smaller communities (< 10,000 population) who have neither the staff resources nor the need to use FIAM. Our efforts will be concentrated on assisting smaller communities (< 10,000 population) who have neither the staff resources nor the need to use FIAM. We will likely select a single community to use as a “test case” for creating a simplified model, which would then be distributed to local governments for their own use. We will likely select a single community to use as a “test case” for creating a simplified model, which would then be distributed to local governments for their own use. More information will be distributed to the local governments as it becomes available. More information will be distributed to the local governments as it becomes available.

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