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Geothermal Power in Serbia

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1 Geothermal Power in Serbia

2 About Geothermeon AG

3 Company Structure Geothermeon AG Q-con GmbH (subcompany)
project development & management project investment Q-con GmbH (subcompany) consulting & technical services geothermal / oil & gas industry Project Companies

4 Geothermeon’s Office in Landau
Corporate Data foundation: 2007 (Q-con: 2000) legal structure: Aktiengesellschaft (AG) with registered capital of 2.15 million EUR head office: Landau, Germany corporate objective „The prospection and exploration of geothermal resources and the development of projects for the production and commercial utilization of geothermal energy.“ Geothermeon’s Office in Landau

5 Reservoir Development Experience
Geothermeon‘s team has been involved in more than 20 projects all over the world. Reservoir development in hydrothermal, EGS and oil & gas projects. country project type AUSTRALIA Cooper Basin EGS / HFR Limestone Coast hydrothermal Cooper Basin Tight Gas oil & gas CANADA Athabasca Tar Sand ENGLAND Cuadrilla Shale Gas FRANCE Soultz-sous-Forets GERMANY Bad Urach Landau GeneSys Finowfurt Bochum Munich-Sendling Taufkirchen Mauerstetten Bruchsal INDONESIA Duri – Sumatra JAPAN Hijiori SWITZERLAND Basel TURKEY Kula Kestanbol Manisa USA Coso

6 Track Record Competence for our Customers & Partners
Geodynamics Ltd Hot Fractured Rock Project Cooper Basin Project coordinator for reservoir creation Design and operation of seismic monitoring Thermal & hydraulic modeling and reservoir assessment Kanton Basel Deep Heat Mining Project Basel, Serianex Group Seismic risk analysis Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe European HDR Research project Soultz-sous-Forets Task leader for the development of stimulation technologies Seismic data processing & analysis Hydraulic modeling and reservoir assessment Rhein-Main Deponie GmbH Geothermal Project Südtaunus Partnership for project development Santos Ltd. Tight Gas Stimulation Design and operation of seismic monitoring systems Hydro-mechanical modeling of shear stimulation Stimulation design Universität Karlsruhe/EnBw Geothermal Project Bruchsal Design and operation of seismic monitoring systems Shell Project Tar Sand Feasibility study for seismic reservoir monitoring and characterization Ministerium für Umwelt, Forsten und Verbraucherschutz Expert Panel Seismic Risk Analysis for Landau Geothermal Project Stadtwerke München Geothermal Project München-Sendling Numerical modelling of a geothermal doublet system Institut für Geowissenschaftliche Gemeinschaftsaufgaben Project GeneSys Design and operation of seismic monitoring systems Thermal modeling Hochbauamt Ulm Geothermal Project Pfullendorf Seismic risk analysis GeoEnergy GmbH Geothermal Project Brühl Installation and operation of seismic network Seismic risk analysis Enro Geothermie AG Geothermal convoi Brandenburg Feasibility study for HFR reservoir stimulation Thermal & hydraulic modeling Panax Geothermal Ltd Geothermal Project Limestone Coast Simulation of waterlevel drawdown in a geothermal doublet system BioEnergie Taufkirchen Geothermal Project Taufkirchen Numerical Modeling of a geothermal triplette system Stadtwerke Bad Urach German HDR Project Project leader for reservoir stimulation Seismic real-time monitoring service and data processing Hydraulic modeling and reservoir assessment Geothermie Zentrum Bochum Feasibility study for the geothermal development in vulcanic rocks Geothermie Neuried Geothermal Project Neuried Seismic risk analysis Transmark Renewables B.V. Geothermal Projects in Turkey Joint Venture for project development University of Utah Geothermal Project Coso Reservoir stimulation design GeoEnergie Taufkirchen Geothermal Project Taufkirchen Geothermal Modeling

7 Team of Geothermeon AG Technology Leader for Enhanced Geothermal Systems
Active participation in almost all EGS projects over the last 30 years!

8 Enhanced Geothermal Systems
The Key Technology for Serbia?

9 Serbia = EGS/HDR country?
“Serbia is considered to be a country rich in geothermal resources that appear as heat originated from hot and dry rocks of large Neogene granitoid intrusions. Therefore, by applying … HDR technology Serbia is capable of becoming a major producer and exporter of electric power.“ Mihailo Milivojevic (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology)

10 Key technologies for developing an EGS Project
Stimulation & Seismic Monitoring Drilling ProjectCycle Wie passt das Bild mit den anderen, die das Geschäftsmodell erläutern, zusammen? Müsste der Pfeil nicht mit “Reserve Evaluation” anfangen? Reservoir Testing Reserve Evaluation & Well Targeting Reservoir Modelling

11 Reservoir Stimulation turning „poor“ wells into profitable producers
reservoir stimulation is the most powerful tool to improve the economics of a geothermal project Geothermeon’s team has successfully increased production rates in more than 20 operations no “dry” wells so far!

12 Microseismic Monitoring „What you see is what you get!“
The stimulation process is monitored and controlled by microseimic monitoring technology. Real-time data processing allows immediate visualization of the reservoir creation in 3-D

13 Video Animation of a Hydraulic Stimulation
Stimulation of GPK-2 (Soultz-sous-Forets, France)

14 Geothermeon‘s in-house technologies
design of engineered reservoirs reservoir stimulation treatments specialized well completion concepts monitoring systems (hardware & software) real-time monitoring during stimulation mapping and characterization of engineered reservoirs seismic risk analyses computer simulation of hydraulic, thermal, mechanical and transport processes economic reserve assessment optimization of well design & well targeting parameters optimization of operation parameters design of well test programs well test analyses reservoir interpretation

15 Business Opportunities

16 What kind of business relations are we looking for?
Joint Venture Partners local investors (private or public) who are interested in a joint development of geothermal power projects Customers governmental or private institutions who are looking for technical and management expertise for geothermal projects

17 Geothermal Project Development
Excellence in Geothermal Project Development Q-con GmbH Bad Bergzabern Germany Geothermeon AG Landau Germany

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