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Sitka Alaska. What is Idling? Idling [i’-dling], running the engine of a vehicle while it is not going anywhere.

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Presentation on theme: "Sitka Alaska. What is Idling? Idling [i’-dling], running the engine of a vehicle while it is not going anywhere."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sitka Alaska



4 What is Idling? Idling [i’-dling], running the engine of a vehicle while it is not going anywhere.

5 Presentation Overview  Why Idling is a Problem  Myths versus Reality  The Benefits of Taking Action  How We Can Take Action  Resources

6 Why is idling a problem? Idling… Hurts air qualityHurts air quality Wastes fuel Wastes fuel Happen daily in Sitka Happen daily in Sitka Harms health Harms health

7 Idling & Air Quality Idling releases many hazardous chemicals into the air including: 1 Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 ) Carbon Monoxide (CO) Hydrocarbons Nitrogen Oxide Particulate Matter

8 Idling & Air Quality These chemicals cause environmental problems including: 2 Trucks alone emit 11 million tons of carbon dioxide, 180,000,000 tons of ozone forming gas, and 5, 000 tons of particulate matter every year! 2 Smog/ Haze Global warming/ greenhouse gases Fewer fish and algae blooms Ozone Reduced crop yields Damage to structures/ monuments

9 Idling & Health These chemicals cause various heath conditions including: Asthma Cancer Cardiovascular disease Respiratory disease Allergies Prenatal & infant mortality Senior mortality Visual Impairment Headache

10 WASTES $ + Finite Resource

11 Everyday in Sitka Everyday in Sitka


13 Idling Myth #1 Reality  Idling is not an effective way to warm up your vehicle.  Driving your vehicle is the best way to warm it up.  30 seconds of warming up your vehicle on winter days is enough. The engine should be warmed up before driving.

14 Idling Myth #2 Reality  An idling engine is not operating at its peak temperature, which means fuel combustion is incomplete.  Excessive idling can damage your engine components, including cylinders, spark plugs and the exhaust system. Idling is good for your engine.

15 Idling Myth #3 Reality  Frequent restarting has little impact on engine components.  More than 10 seconds of idling uses more fuel than restarting the engine. Shutting off and restarting your vehicle is hard on the engine and uses more gas.

16 Idling Myth #4 Reality  So are non polluting options like a hat, gloves and an extra layer  Pollutants affect the people inside the vehicle as well as outside of it. Idling is a good way to stay warm while waiting inside the car

17 The Benefits of Taking Action Not idling will:  Save you money fuel and engine wear and tear  Improve the quality of air in Sitka  Reduce harmful emissions that contribute to climate change  Protect the health of kids and citizens  Educate the whole community

18 What can be done? Examine the Facts Examine the Facts Talk with others Talk with others Adopt a policy * Adopt a policy * Educate the whole community Educate the whole community


20 Resources Idle Free Vermont Idle Free Vermont American Lung American Lung 34/21/ - Kentucky Air Education. 34/21/ - Kentucky Air Education. 34/21/ 34/21/ BVOc&feature=related BVOc&feature=related Doug Osborne – parent/Health Educator Doug Osborne – parent/Health Educator

21 Gunalchéesh Gunalchéesh

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