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Agenda Item: WMO Proposal to Host GEO Secretariat

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1 Agenda Item: WMO Proposal to Host GEO Secretariat
GEO-5, November 2004 Ottawa, Canada

2 WMO programmes relate to GEO work
Background GEO Secretariat hosted at WMO premises provides for close cooperation and takes advantage of synergies between GEO and WMO WMO programmes relate to GEO work WMO World Weather Watch (WWW) WMO World Climate Programme (WCP) WMO Hydrology and Water Resources Programme (HWRP) WMO Space Programme (SAT) …

3 About WMO International organization for weather, climate and water
Annual budget of US$70 million; 300 employees Headquarters in Geneva; offices in Africa, Americas and South-West Pacific New headquarters building in 1999; top Geneva location; energy-efficient and modern office and conference facilities Administrative services to Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Joint Climate Research Fund (JCRF), Global Climate Observing System (GCOS)

4 Concept GEO/WMO Cooperation
GEO Council provides programmatic directions and approval of plans GEO Director accountable to GEO Council for management of substantive and technical matters WMO provides office facilities free of charge and cost-efficient administrative services

5 Cond’t - Concept In order to ensure: GEO staff has same privileges and immunities as WMO and access to services (e.g. pension fund, international schools, housing) It is necessary: GEO Director accountable to WMO for administrative matters in accordance with WMO Financial and Staff Regulations

6 Details on GEO/WMO arrangement
Budget approved by GEO Council Expenditure authorized by GEO Director GEO funds administered through trust funds Bank designated by WMO, in consultations with GEO Director GEO Director selected by GEO Council GEO Director appointed by Secretary-General of WMO upon recommendation of GEO Council

7 Cond’t - GEO/WMO arrangement
GEO Director reports to GEO Council for day-to-day management GEO Director under the administrative authority of Secretary-General of WMO Vacancy announcements issued in conformity with WMO rules and circulated to all Parties Authority for recruitment, appointment and non-renewal of staff delegated to GEO Director

8 Cond’t - GEO/WMO arrangement
Secondment of individuals by Governments or other institutions possible Possible terminations or dismissals of staff by Secretary-General of WMO GEO staff with status of WMO staff assigned exclusively to GEO GEO appointments for service with GEO only, without right of transfer to WMO

9 Offer: office facilities Offer: cost-efficient administration
WMO provides office facilities free of charge GEO with priority access to Headquarters conference facilities GEO staff with unrestricted access to in-house parking and staff recreation facilities Offer: cost-efficient administration Only incremental administrative costs charged to GEO under Service Level Agreement -- no overhead, no share of fixed costs Cost-efficient maintenance and procurement

10 Service Level Agreement
Agreement between GEO and WMO specifies administrative services, incremental costs and benchmarks Agreement may cover full range of administrative services Agreement excludes administrative services that GEO provides through its own establishment Detailed accounting and regular reviews on provision of services

11 Cost savings Offer on facilities
Provision of free office space (savings of US$144,000) Offer on cost-efficient administration Incremental rather than full costs (savings of US$260,000) Energy efficient office space (savings of US$9,000) Procurement arrangement between Geneva-based organisations and suppliers (savings of US$260,000)

12 Budget estimates Annual GEO budget of US$3,500,000
Staff cost at US$1,510,000 for 10 staff Conference costs at US$1,300,000, including travel for participants Travel costs of staff at US$243,000 Other direct cost at US$277,000, including US$219,000 for one-time purchase Incremental costs for administrative services provided by WMO at US$170,000

13 Annual GEO budget: options
Option I: Proposed GEO/WMO cooperation: US$3.5 mil; cost-efficient services by WMO; full benefits from WMO’s international status Other Options Option II: GEO with similar service provider: over US$4.0 mil (increase over US$0.5 mil); according to standard arrangements Option III: GEO under Swiss law: up to US$4.5 mil (increase up to US$1.0 mil); GEO core admin competence; limited services by WMO; possible loss of int. benefits Option IV: GEO stand-alone: over US$4.5 mil (increase over US$1.0 mil); no support by WMO or service provider; possible loss of int. benefits



16 WMO Trust Fund Arrangement
Accounts established under specific terms and conditions to record receipts and expenditures Contributions provided for purpose consistent with aims and policies of Organization Trust funds maintained separately from WMO budget appropriation Income from investments credited back to trust fund

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