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Power fact files Solar Power Biomass Geothermal Wind Home.

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Presentation on theme: "Power fact files Solar Power Biomass Geothermal Wind Home."— Presentation transcript:

1 Power fact files Solar Power Biomass Geothermal Wind Home

2 Solar Power Status: Renewable Description: Power generated directly form the suns rays Lifespan: 500 million years Main producers: USA, Spain, Australia Energy uses: Electricity, water heating Advantages: Very long life span, no carbon emissions Disadvantages: Costly to set up, takes up huge amount of space Solar Power Biomass Geothermal Wind Home

3 Geothermal Status: Renewable Description: Power taken from natural hot water springs. Lifespan: Unprecedented, but theoretically inexhaustible Main producers: Iceland and the Philippines Energy uses: Electricity, hot water Advantages: Very long life span, no carbon emissions Disadvantages: Steam at lower temperature than other sources, corrosive minerals in the steam Solar Power Biomass Geothermal Wind Home

4 Wind Status: Renewable Description: Power generated from the kinetic energy of wind Lifespan: Theoretically inexhaustible Main producers: Denmark, Spain, Portugal Energy uses: Electricity Advantages: Very long life span, no carbon emissions Disadvantages: Negative visual impact Solar Power Biomass Geothermal Wind Home

5 Biomass/Biogas Status: Renewable Description: Organic material that can be burnt Lifespan: Unknown Main producers: USA Energy uses: Heat, electricity Advantages: It isn't adding new carbon to the system Disadvantages: Requires space for growing biomass crops Solar Power Biomass Geothermal Wind Home

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