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Energy and fuels Environmental impacts World energy consumption Mgr. Matúš Dobeš, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy and fuels Environmental impacts World energy consumption Mgr. Matúš Dobeš, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy and fuels Environmental impacts World energy consumption Mgr. Matúš Dobeš, 2005

2 Environmental impacts of energy production

3 Coal-fired power plant

4 Environmental impacts Coal Air pollution caused by burning (CO 2 )

5 Environmental impacts Natural landscape distortion by coal mines

6 Environmental impacts Oil Air pollution caused by burning (CO 2 ) An oil power plant in Iraq

7 World energy consumption


9 World Commercial Energy Consumption by Region = produced for sale rather than for direct use (made by fossil fuels) Consumption of energy concentrates in industrialized nations. Why?

10 World energy consumption

11 This chart indicates the breakdown of contributions of the fossil fuels, “traditional” renewables such as firewood, and “new” renewables such as solar power, to the total global energy supply in the 1995. The domination of fossil fuels over the large nuclear reserves, and undeveloped new renewables, is immediately apparent.

12 World energy consumption/capita

13 Primary energy consumption

14 World energy demand

15 Reasons: Population growth e.g. population boom after WWII, better health care in developing countries Economic growth e.g. increased use of cars, higher industrial production Lifestyle changes e.g. more consumer electronics used

16 Thank You for Your attention

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