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© Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 1. 2 Excel 2013 Level 2 Unit 2Managing and Integrating Data and the Excel Environment Chapter 7Automating Repetitive Tasks.

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1 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 1

2 2 Excel 2013 Level 2 Unit 2Managing and Integrating Data and the Excel Environment Chapter 7Automating Repetitive Tasks and Customizing Excel

3 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 3 Automating Repetitive Tasks and Customizing Excel  Automate Tasks Using Macros Automate Tasks Using Macros  Pin Workbooks to the Recent Workbooks List Pin Workbooks to the Recent Workbooks List  Change Display Options to Customize the Work Area Change Display Options to Customize the Work Area  CHECKPOINT 1 CHECKPOINT 1  Minimize the Ribbon Minimize the Ribbon  Customize the Ribbon Customize the Ribbon  Customize the Quick Access Toolbar Customize the Quick Access Toolbar  Create and Apply a Custom View Create and Apply a Custom View  Save a Workbook as a Template Save a Workbook as a Template  Customize Save Options Customize Save Options  CHECKPOINT 2 CHECKPOINT 2 Quick Links to Presentation Contents

4 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 4 Automate Tasks Using Macros  A macro is a series of instructions stored in sequence that can be recalled and carried out whenever the need arises.  It is helpful to create a macro when you find yourself repeatedly performing the same task without variation.  Saving the instructions for a task in a macro not only saves time—it also ensures that the steps are performed consistently every time, which can prevent errors in data entry, formatting, or other worksheet options.

5 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 5 Automate Tasks Using Macros - continued To record a macro: 1.Click VIEW tab. 2.Click down-pointing arrow on Macros button in Macros group. 3.Click Record Macro option at drop-down list. continues on next slide… Record Macro option

6 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 6 Automate Tasks Using Macros - continued 4.At Record Macro dialog box, type a macro name. 5.Click in Description text box. 6.Type description text. 7.Click OK. 8.Perform desired actions. continues on next slide… Record Macro dialog box

7 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 7 Automate Tasks Using Macros - continued 9.Click Stop Recording button located near left side of Status bar. Stop Recording button

8 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 8 Automate Tasks Using Macros - continued  When a macro is created in Excel, the commands are written and saved in a language called Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). The macro recorder that you use when creating a macro converts your actions to VBA statements behind the scenes.  A workbook that contains a macro should be saved using the macro-enabled file format. The default XML-based file format (.xlsx) cannot store VBA macro code.

9 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 9 Automate Tasks Using Macros - continued To save a macro-enabled workbook: 1.Click FILE tab. 2.Click Save As option. 3.If necessary, navigate to desired drive and/or folder. 4.Type file name in File name text box. 5.Click Save as type list arrow. 6.Click Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (*.xlsm) option. 7.Click Save. Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (*.xlsm) option

10 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 10 Automate Tasks Using Macros - continued To run a macro: 1.Click VIEW tab. 2.Click Macros button. continues on next slide… Macros button

11 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 11 Automate Tasks Using Macros - continued 3.At Macro dialog box, double-click macro name. Macro dialog box

12 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 12 Automate Tasks Using Macros - continued To assign a macro to a shortcut key: 1.Click VIEW tab. 2.Click down-pointing arrow on Macros button. 3.Click Record Macro option. 4.Type a macro name. 5.Click in Shortcut key text box. 6.Type desired letter. 7.Click in Description text box. 8.Type description text. 9.Click OK. 10.Perform desired actions. 11.Click Stop Recording button. assigned shortcut key

13 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 13 Automate Tasks Using Macros - continued To edit a macro: 1.Open workbook containing macro. 2.Click VIEW tab. 3.Click Macros button. 4.Click desired macro name. 5.Click Edit button. continues on next slide… Edit button

14 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 14 Automate Tasks Using Macros - continued 6.Make desired changes in Visual Basic for Applications window. 7.Click Save button. 8.Click File. 9.Click Close and Return to Microsoft Excel option. Visual Basic for Applications window

15 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 15 Automate Tasks Using Macros - continued  If you want to use the macros you have created in other workbooks, leave the workbook containing the macros open, since the Macro dialog box displays macros for all open workbooks in the Macro name list box by default.  Consider creating a macros workbook with a set of standard macros that you wish to use in any file.

16 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 16 Pin Workbooks to the Recent Workbooks List  By default, the Open backstage area displays the twenty-five most recently opened workbook file names in the Recent Workbooks section.  A workbook that is permanently pinned to the list displays with a down-pointing pin icon.

17 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 17 Pin Workbooks to the Recent Workbooks List -continued To pin a workbook to the Recent Workbooks list: 1.Make sure workbook has been opened recently. 2.Click FILE tab. 3.If necessary, click Open. 4.Click pin icon next to workbook name. pin icon

18 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 18 Change Display Options to Customize the Work Area To customize display options: 1.Click FILE tab. 2.Click Options. 3.Click Advanced option in left pane. 4.At Excel Options dialog box, change display options as required. 5.Click OK. Excel Options dialog box

19 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 19 1)This is a series of instructions stored in sequence that can be recalled and carried out. b.maxi c.micro d.macro 1)This is a series of instructions stored in sequence that can be recalled and carried out. b.maxi c.micro d.macro 3)By default, macros are stored within the workbook that is this. a.printed c.saved d.closed 3)By default, macros are stored within the workbook that is this. a.printed c.saved d.closed 2)The Macros button is located on this tab. a.VIEW b.REVIEW c.DATA d.FORMULAS 2)The Macros button is located on this tab. a.VIEW b.REVIEW c.DATA d.FORMULAS 4)The Open backstage area displays how many most recently opened file names by default? a.10 b.20 c.25 d.30 4)The Open backstage area displays how many most recently opened file names by default? a.10 b.20 c.25 d.30 Next Question Next Slide Answer

20 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 20 Minimize the Ribbon To minimize the Ribbon: 1.Click Ribbon Display Options button. 2.Click Auto-hide Ribbon. Ribbon Display Options button drop-down list

21 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 21 Customize the Ribbon To export customizations: 1.Click FILE tab. 2.Click Options. 3.Click Customize Ribbon in left pane. 4.Import/Export button. 5.Click Export all customizations. 6.If necessary, navigate to desired drive and/or folder. 7.Modify file name if necessary. 8.Click OK. Export all customizations option

22 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 22 Customize the Ribbon - continued To create a new tab: 1.Click FILE tab. 2.Click Options. 3.Click Customize Ribbon in left pane. 4.Click tab name to precede new tab. 5.Click New Tab button. New Tab button

23 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 23 Customize the Ribbon - continued To rename a tab or group: 1.Click FILE tab. 2.Click Options. 3.Click Customize Ribbon option in left pane. 4.Click tab or group to be renamed. 5.Click Rename button. 6.Type new name. 7.Press Enter or click OK. Rename button

24 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 24 Customize the Ribbon - continued To add buttons to a group: 1.Click FILE tab. 2.Click Options. 3.Click Customize Ribbon option in left pane. 4.Click group name in which to insert new button. 5.Change Choose commands from option to desired command list. 6.Scroll down and click desired command. 7.Click Add button. Add button

25 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 25 Customize the Quick Access Toolbar To customize the Quick Access toolbar: 1.Click Customize Quick Access Toolbar button. 2.Click More Commands option. continues on next slide… More Commands option

26 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 26 Customize the Quick Access Toolbar - continued 3.Click the down- pointing arrow at right of Choose commands from option. 4.Click desired category. 5.Double-click desired command in commands list box. 6.Click OK. Choose commands from option

27 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 27 Customize the Quick Access Toolbar -continued To import customization file: 1.Click FILE tab. 2.Click Options. 3.Click Customize Ribbon option in left pane. 4.Click Import/Export button. 5.Click Import all customizations. 6.If necessary, navigate to desired drive and/or folder and double- click file. 7.Click Yes 8.Click OK. Import customization file option Import customization file option

28 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 28 Create and Apply a Custom View  A custom view saves display and print settings for the active worksheet.  You can create multiple custom views for the same worksheet and access stored views using the Custom Views dialog box.

29 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 29 Create and Apply a Custom View - continued To create a custom view: 1.Change display and print settings as desired. 2.Click VIEW tab. 3.Click Custom Views button. 4.Click Add button. 5.At Add View dialog box, type a name for custom view. 6.Choose desired Include in view options. 7.Click OK. Add View dialog box

30 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 30 Create and Apply a Custom View - continued To apply a custom view: 1.Click VIEW tab. 2.Click Custom Views button. 3.At Custom Views dialog box, click desired view name. 4.Click Show button. Show button

31 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 31 Save a Workbook as a Template  Templates are workbooks with standard text, formulas, and formatting.  Cells are created and formatted for all of the entries that do not change.  Cells that will contain variable information have formatting applied, but are left empty since they will be filled in when the template is used to generate a worksheet.  Several templates have already been created and are installed on your computer or can be installed after they are downloaded.

32 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 32 Save a Workbook as a Template - continued To save a workbook as a template: 1.Open workbook. 2.Make desired changes. 3.Click FILE tab. 4.Click Save As option. 5.Click Browse button and navigate to desired drive and/or folder. 6.Change Save as type to Excel Template (*.xltx) option. 7.Type desired file name. 8.Click Save button. Excel Template (*.xltx) option

33 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 33 Save a Workbook as a Template - continued To use a custom template: 1.Click FILE tab. 2.Click New. 3.Click PERSONAL. 4.Double-click desired template in PERSONAL template section. New dialog box

34 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 34 Customize Save Options  The AutoRecover feature saves versions of your work at a specified time interval so that you can restore all or part of your data should you forget to save or if you experience a situation that causes Excel to close unexpectedly (such as a power outage).

35 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 35 Customize Save Options - continued  In conjunction with AutoRecover, Excel includes the AutoSave feature, which keeps the last version of a workbook saved in a temporary file.

36 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 36 Customize Save Options - continued To customize Save options: 1.Click FILE tab. 2.Click Options. 3.Click Save in left pane. 4.Change save options as required. 5.Click OK. save options

37 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 37 1)Press these keys to minimize the Ribbon. a.Shift + F1 b.Ctrl + F1 c.Shift + F3 d.Ctrl + F3 1)Press these keys to minimize the Ribbon. a.Shift + F1 b.Ctrl + F1 c.Shift + F3 d.Ctrl + F3 3)These are workbooks with standard text, formulas, and formatting. a.documents b.forms c.worksheets d.templates 3)These are workbooks with standard text, formulas, and formatting. a.documents b.forms c.worksheets d.templates 2)The Custom Views button is located on this tab. a.FILE b.PAGE LAYOUT c.VIEW d.REVIEW 2)The Custom Views button is located on this tab. a.FILE b.PAGE LAYOUT c.VIEW d.REVIEW 4)In conjunction with AutoRecover, Excel includes this feature. a.AutoSave b.AutoFile c.AutoKeep d.AutoOpen 4)In conjunction with AutoRecover, Excel includes this feature. a.AutoSave b.AutoFile c.AutoKeep d.AutoOpen Next Question Next Slide Answer

38 © Paradigm Publishing, Inc. 38 Automating Repetitive Tasks and Customizing Excel Record, run, and edit a macro Save a workbook containing macros as a macro-enabled workbook Create a macro that is run using a shortcut key combination Pin and unpin a frequently used file to the Recent Workbooks list Hide the ribbon to increase space in the work area Customize the display options for Excel Customize the ribbon by exporting customizations, creating a custom tab and adding buttons Add and remove buttons for frequently used commands to the Quick Access toolbar and import customizations Create and apply custom views Create and use a template Customize save options for AutoRecover files Summary of Presentation Concepts

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