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Nuclear Physics. Outcomes What is the difference between alpha, beta and gamma radiation? What are the rules for writing equations of nuclear reactions?

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Presentation on theme: "Nuclear Physics. Outcomes What is the difference between alpha, beta and gamma radiation? What are the rules for writing equations of nuclear reactions?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nuclear Physics

2 Outcomes What is the difference between alpha, beta and gamma radiation? What are the rules for writing equations of nuclear reactions? How can we make radioisotopes?

3 Alpha Decay 2 protons 2 neutrons No electrons Equivalent to a Helium nucleus

4 Alpha Decay - example Uranium-238 will decay into Thorium-234 by emitting an alpha particle Atomic number (charge) is conserved Atomic mass (nucleons) is conserved

5 Beta Decay An electron originating from nucleus (WTF!) A neutron turns into a proton, electron and an antineutrino

6 Beta Decay - example Carbon-14 has too many neutrons to be stable. Atomic number (charge) is conserved Atomic mass (nucleons) is conserved

7 Gamma Decay Gamma rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation, very high frequency. No charge and no mass

8 Gamma Decay - example Iodine-131 decays by beta AND gamma emission Atomic number (charge) is conserved Atomic mass (nucleons) is conserved

9 Producing Radioisotopes By process called “artificial transmutation” Example: Neutron absorption

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