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Measure G Information August 2014 Enhancing Educational Opportunities at every school in Norwalk and La Mirada.

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1 Measure G Information August 2014 Enhancing Educational Opportunities at every school in Norwalk and La Mirada

2 Norwalk-La Mirada Unified School District ―The Norwalk-La Mirada Unified School District serves a vital role in our community by providing quality education to over 19,000 K-12 students in Norwalk and La Mirada. ―We are committed to enhancing educational opportunities for all students in each and every school in Norwalk and La Mirada. 1

3 Board of Education Goals ―High Academic Achievement ―Graduation Rates steadily increasing ―Effective Standards-Based Instruction ―Full Implementation of Common Core State Standards for all students K-12 ―Fiscally Solvent and Increase Enrollment ―Strong Reserves ―Accountability for all Stakeholders ―Formal and Informal Protocols (evaluation process) ―Safety and Security of Students and Staff ―Student safety is enhanced through effective school security systems. 2

4 District Priorities Continue to be… ―Ensuring safe and upgraded learning environments so all students can achieve. ―Providing technology required for 21 st century jobs and careers. ―Providing technology to support Common Core State Standards and new state testing (SBAC). ―Improving school safety and security. ―Supporting the health and well-being of students with adequate athletic facilities that support and contribute to school and community. 3

5 What’s the Issue? ―Many local schools here in Norwalk and La Mirada need basic health and safety improvements because they were built decades ago, with some schools over 75 years old. ―Needs include updating technology, repairing deteriorating classrooms, leaky roofs and bathrooms, and removing asbestos and lead paint. 4

6 What is Measure G What is Measure G ? ―To address these needs, on July 21, 2014 the Norwalk-La Mirada School District Board of Trustees placed Measure G on the November 4, 2014 ballot. ― Measure G is a $375 million education bond measure designed to provide funds to help maintain safe and healthy learning environments and improve the quality of education facilities for every student in every school. ―If approved, Measure G would cost property owners in the district approximately $60 per year per $100,000 of assessed – not market – property value. 5

7 What will Measure G Fund? ―If adopted by voters, Measure G would provide funding to address school repair and upgrade needs, including: ―Repairing drainage systems, leaking roofs and decaying walls ―Updating computer, science and math lab technology ―Upgrading fire safety systems including safety doors, fire proofing, and smoke alarms ―Upgrading school security and fencing ―Updating technology for twenty-first century learning 6

8 Benefits of Measure G in Norwalk & La Mirada ―If approved, Measure G will help modernize elementary, middle and high schools throughout the entire District to ensure that every school in every neighborhood benefits ―If approved, Measure G will help update technology to ensure that all students have access to so they are prepared for the jobs of the future. 7

9 Measure G Will Help Dulles Elementary! ―Air Conditioning in all Classrooms, Office & Cafeteria ―Building Renovations – doors, windows, paint, etc. ―Furniture & Technology ―Playfields (irrigation and drainage systems) ―Roof ―Fence and Gate (safety) 8

10 Comprehensive Review of District Needs ―The Norwalk-La Mirada Unified School District conducted a comprehensive review of school needs to identify the specific repairs and upgrades needed to improve education at every school site in Norwalk and La Mirada. ―The District received robust community input and feedback from stakeholders, community leaders and hundreds of constituents. 9

11 What are Measure G ’s Accountability Provisions ― Measure G includes strict accountability requirements including a list of authorized projects, independent annual audits, and an Independent Citizens' Oversight Committee to ensure that funds are spent as promised. ―The Citizens’ Oversight Committee must include, among others, representation of a bona fide Taxpayers’ Association, a Business Organization, and a Senior Citizens’ Organization. ―NO funds can go toward administrator salaries or pensions. ―ALL Funds are required to stay local and cannot be taken by the State 10

12 How Can I Get More Information on Measure G ? ―For more information, visit or if you have any specific questions feel free to contact 562-868-0431 ext. 2010 ―Additional Information can be obtained from PTA Booths set up just outside the school 11

13 Questions?

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