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Sustainable Landscaping – in the home garden. Presented by GUMLEAF GARDENS.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainable Landscaping – in the home garden. Presented by GUMLEAF GARDENS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainable Landscaping – in the home garden

2 Presented by GUMLEAF GARDENS

3  A landscape that minimizes the need for high water usage.  Minimizes the risk of ‘weed escapees’.  Maximizes opportunities to accommodate local fauna.  Minimize the use of products that are not sourced from a renewable source  Create a garden that will bring long term enjoyment.

4  Identify North  Soil type  Size and position of trees and other plants staying.  Existing ‘hardscaping’  Views  External surrounds

5  What are you seeking from your garden? ◦ Colours ◦ Entertainment ◦ Recreation ◦ Vegies / fruit ◦ High shade ◦ A quiet retreat

6  Consideration be given where you will place: ◦ Shed ◦ Clothesline ◦ Rainwater storage

7 Other considerations ◦ Pets ◦ Children /grandchildren ◦ Curves, winding feel or straight and orderly ◦ BUDGET – how much are you prepared to spend to get your dream garden


9 WATER RETENTION HEALTHY SOIL Organic Matter Soil that is rich in organic matter retains moisture better

10 PLANT SELECTION; Plant at the right time of year plant choice? Ask an expert A sunny garden in Unley less than a year after planting

11 PLANT SELECTION; Choosing healthy plants An example of a root bound plant

12  Is it indigenous?  Is it an Australian Native?  If it is exotic – is it drought tolerant?  What size will it grow to?  Does the foliage change colour?  When does it flower?












24  Low pressure inline drippers  Make the watering work  Sourcing the water ◦ Tanks ◦ Bladders ◦ Underground storage ◦ Grey water

25 APPLICATION OF WATER Match the way you apply water to the plants you are growing Subsurface drip irrigation Allow time for plants to adjust to drippers In-line drippers


27  Mulches can prevent up to 70% of evaporation loss and they are one of the cheapest and easiest ways to make the most of water in the garden.  The best mulch is a well-rotted compost which will also improve the soil structure.  75 mm thick to reduce evaporation, help prevent weed growth

28 Thank you and happy landscaping

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