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Sexual Violence Prevention and Education Annie Harrison-Camacho Grants Management Specialist Grantee’s Meeting August 20, 2012 Office of the Director Procurement.

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Presentation on theme: "Sexual Violence Prevention and Education Annie Harrison-Camacho Grants Management Specialist Grantee’s Meeting August 20, 2012 Office of the Director Procurement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sexual Violence Prevention and Education Annie Harrison-Camacho Grants Management Specialist Grantee’s Meeting August 20, 2012 Office of the Director Procurement and Grants Office (PGO)

2 Procurement and Grants Office  Introduction to PGO  CDC Roles and Responsibilities  Grants Process Overview  Grant Award Closeout: CE07-701  Funding Opportunity Award Information: CE13-1301 Agenda


4 Procurement and Grants Office  Business conduit for all program requirements  Negotiates, awards, administers, and closes out all grants, cooperative agreements, and contracts  Reviews and approves all financial requests and payments  Ensures compliance with applicable statutes, regulations, and policies  Serves as the official receipt point for ALL official communication PGO positively impacts public health by serving as exemplary business advisors

5 Procurement and Grants Office Procurements and Grants Office Our Staff

6 Procurement and Grants Office Procurement and Grants Office Our Funding History (Billions)


8 Procurement and Grants Office  Planning  Announcement  Application Evaluation  Receipt and Screening  Independent/Objective Review  Business Management Evaluation  Cost Analysis  Negotiation  Award  Post-Award Monitoring  Formal Actions  Audit Resolutions  Conflict Resolution  Closeout Grant Process Overview

9 Procurement and Grants Office  Grants Management Officer:  Sole approving official authorized to obligate funds for grant and cooperative agreement actions on behalf of the Government  Grants Management Specialist:  Primary point of contact for grant-related issues, including requests for prior approval, changes in the terms and conditions of award, etc.  Handles the day-to-day business management (non-programmatic) aspect of grants  Project Officer (PO):  Official responsible for the programmatic, scientific, and/or technical aspects of assigned grants CDC Roles and Responsibilities

10 GRANT AWARD CLOSEOUT CE07-701 “Sexual Violence Prevention and Education”

11 Procurement and Grants Office Closeout Requirements  HHS Grants Policy Statement  Establishes closeout requirements  The full statement can be found at:  Notice of Award (NoA)  Terms and Conditions included in the NoA for the last year of the project period

12 Procurement and Grants Office Final Reports for Closeout  Documents are due within 90 days after the project period end date:  Final Federal Financial Report (FFR) – SF 425  Final Progress Report (FPR)  Final Inventions Statement and Certification  Grantees are strongly encouraged to submit final documentation within the designated timeframe.  Failure to submit timely reports may affect future funding to the organization.

13 Procurement and Grants Office  Also known as SF 425  The Federal Financial Report (FFR) is required to:  Include only those funds authorized and disbursed during (specify timeframe – dates of the project period/segment of support) covered by the report  Indicate the exact balance of unobligated funds  The FFR may NOT reflect any:  Unliquidated obligations  Discrepancy between the expenditure data and the Payment Management System’s (PIMS) cash transaction data Federal Financial Report

14 Procurement and Grants Office  Submit the FFR to eRA Commons within 90 days after the end of the project period  eRA Commons can be found at:  Electronic versions of the form can be downloaded into Adobe Acrobat and completed online  The electronic version can be downloaded at: ms/SF-425.pdf ms/SF-425.pdf Federal Financial Report Submission Requirements

15 Procurement and Grants Office  Required for any grant that:  Has reached the end of the project period, and  Will NOT be extended through award of a new competitive segment  At a minimum, the Final Progress Report (FPR) should include:  A statement of progress made toward the achievement of originally stated aims  A list of significant results (positive or negative)  A list of publications resulting from the project, including any plan for further or future publication  A copy of reprints or publications not previously submitted Final Progress Report

16 Procurement and Grants Office  Required whether or not:  The funded project results in any inventions  Inventions were previously reported  List all inventions that during the course of the project period were either:  Conceived, or  First put into practice  Must be signed or verified by the Principal Investigator (PI) and an authorized organizational representative  This statement covers the entire project period (provide specific dates) Final Inventions Statement and Certification

17 FUNDING OPPORTUNITY AWARD INFORMATION CE13-1301 “Rape Prevention Education Program”

18 Procurement and Grants Office  Cooperative agreement  Length of Budget Period: 12 months  Length of Project Period: 12 months  Anticipated award date: November 1 st  Same closeout requirements previously discussed Award Information

19 Procurement and Grants Office  45 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 92 (State, Local and Tribal Governments)  Web:  OMB Circular A-87 (Cost Principles)  Web:  OMB Circular A-133 (Audits)  Web: education/ education/  HHS Grants Policy Statement  Web: Regulations and Administrative References

20 Procurement and Grants Office  Budget Guidelines  Web:  Various Forms (including SF-424’s, etc.) and OMB Circulars  Web:  HHS General Grants Information  Web:  CDC official website  Web: http://www.cdc.gov  Web: (PGO’s home page) Informative Websites

21 Annie Harrison-Camacho Grants Management Specialist Phone: 770-488-2809 -- Fax: 770-488-2670 Email: Sharron Orum Team Leader / Grants Management Officer Telephone: (770) 488-2716 Email: For more information please contact Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30333 Telephone: 1-800-CDC-INFO (232-4636)/TTY: 1-888-232-6348 E-mail: Web: The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Office of the Director Procurement and Grants Office (PGO)

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