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Click the Enter button to begin using the Compendium Click to continue.

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Presentation on theme: "Click the Enter button to begin using the Compendium Click to continue."— Presentation transcript:

1 Click the Enter button to begin using the Compendium Click to continue

2 This click-through screen shows a list of the Consortium members who contribute to the Compendium, either financially or through the provision of data. Click “Continue” to enter the Compendium. Click to continue

3 This is the main search page. By default, you will search all the main elements of the Compendium. Type in a search term, like cattle, and click the Search button. Click to continue

4 This is the intermediate results screen, showing the results from the main sections of the Compendium. Under the “Datasheets” section, click “more details…” as shown. Click to continue

5 This is the access control screen. If your institution is IP registered, click the “Continue to use IP address” button. If not, please enter your username and password and click the “LOG IN” button. Click to continue

6 This is the detailed results display screen. Results are colour coded as “full”, “Outline” and “Basic” datasheets. Full Datasheets have the most information. Click the link or the image to go to the datasheets for your chosen item. Let’s look at “Bos Taurus”. Click to continue

7 Here we see the Cover Page to a set of datasheets on Bos Taurus. From here we can display other pages of information (text, maps and images) by clicking on the relevant blue hyper-links. Click to continue If you click “more…”, under the list of Breeds, you will be taken to a page of cattle breed names. Click to continue

8 Here is a long list of Cattle Breeds. Each name, in blue, is a link through to a set of datasheets for that breed. Click on “Aberdeen Angus” to go to a full set of datasheets. Click to continue

9 This is the cover page to a set of datasheets on Aberdeen Angus. It gives some basic information along with a photograph and a distribution map. Click to continue Move the cursor over “Information”, on the menu bar, to display a drop-down list of available datasheets in this set. Click to continue

10 Click on any of the datasheet names to display the relevant datasheet. Click to continue

11 Here we have clicked on the link to the “Performance” datasheet. All the text, tables and images may be copied and pasted to create personally tailored documents such as lecture notes or extension literature. Click to continue

12 The picture menu can be used to access all available images. Click to continue

13 The Maps menu can be used to select a Distribution Map. Click to continue

14 A range of maps is available including world and regional maps, normal, climate and soil maps. Click to continue

15 This is the World climate map, showing the distribution of Aberdeen Angus cattle. Click to continue

16 The “Generate Report” function can be used to create a single report containing personally selected datasheets, images and maps. Click to continue

17 Click on the items you wish to add to your report and, using the arrow buttons, in the centre of the screen, move them to right hand box. Click to continue

18 Once you have selected the items you want, click the “SUBMIT” button to generate your report. Click to continue

19 The resulting report can then be copied and pasted or exported to a PDF file via the Report menu. Click to continue

20 Personal notes can be added to a datasheet by clicking on “Add a Note” function in the Notes menu. Click to continue

21 Add your note, your name and a title and then click the Save button. Click to continue All notes will be shared with other users who have access to your subscription to the Compendium. To see a full list of notes, click the Notepad link in the top right of the screen. Click to continue

22 This is a list of all the current Notes. To view, edit or delete a note, click the Icon to the left of the note. Click to continue

23 This is a typical Notes page. To Edit or Delete the note, click either of the two options to the top right of the screen. Click to continue Close the Notes window to return to the main Compendium. Click to continue

24 The Compendium also includes some useful statistics, provided by contributors. To access these, click the “Statistics” link in the top right corner. Click to continue

25 This is the Statistics entry page, listing the statistics currently available. Use the “radio” buttons to select the statistics you wish to view, and click “Display the selected statistics” button. Click to continue

26 Here we are looking at the FAO Livestock Stocks. Using the three, scrollable text boxes, select the country, animal(s) and years of interest, and click “Refresh Grid”. To select multiple entries, hold down the Control key, whilst making your selections. Click to continue

27 This is the results page. To plot a graph, for any of the figures, check the box to the left of the statistics, as shown, and click “Plot Selected”. Click to continue

28 The Library section of the Compendium contains a wealth of information collected from a wide variety of sources. To access this material, click the “Library” link at the top right of the screen. Click to continue

29 This is the opening page of the Library. You can search for a topic of interest or browse the Library contents via the expandable contents list to the left of the screen. Contents List Search Box Click to continue

30 Here, we have expanded the Contents List and selected an item of interest. The right hand screen provides a summary of the item and a link to the PDF file. Click the PDF file link to open the document. Click to continue

31 The Compendia also includes some useful Identification Keys. These can be accessed by clicking on the “Keys” link to the top right of the screen.

32 From this page, we have access to five Identification Keys. We are going to look at the “Cattle Fly Identification Guide”. Click to continue

33 Click here to enter the key Click to continue

34 Identify the description most closely matching your specimen and, if there’s a button to the left of this description, click it to go to the next level of the key. In this example, we are going to click on button “1a”. Click to continue

35 We now see three, more detailed descriptions. Click the button next to the best match to go to the next level. In this example, we are going to choose “5a”. Click to continue

36 The Key has now given us four possible flies. Check the description and choose the closest match. Click on the name (in this example, Glossina) to go to the datasheets.

37 Here’s the cover page to the set of Glossina datasheets, showing the list of available datasheets. Click to continue Finally, let’s look at the Drugs Database. To access this database, you need to go to the Search page by clicking on the “Search” link at the top right of the page. Click to continue

38 From this page, click on “Drug Search” to go to the search page. Click to continue

39 Enter your search term (e.g. “Ivermectin”), select the database and the search options and then click the “Search” button. Search Box Search Options Click to continue

40 This is the results screen. Click on the appropriate icon to display the linked information. The icons to the left display ALL results, while those on the right show results by database. In this final example, we will look at ALL results for “ivermectin”.

41 And that’s the end of this Tutorial. If you have any questions, please contact Chris Ison, International Training Manager, CABI, UK. Click twice to exit or click “Esc”

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