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Prepared for Enterprise Community Partners. Enterprise Community Partners | 2GREEN & HEALTHY LIVING: Water Conservation What Uses the Most Water? Other,

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1 Prepared for Enterprise Community Partners

2 Enterprise Community Partners | 2GREEN & HEALTHY LIVING: Water Conservation What Uses the Most Water? Other, 2 Gallons Faucets, 11 Gallons Leaks, 10 Gallons Baths, 1 Gallon Toilet, 19 Gallons Dishwasher, 1 Gallon Clothes Washer, 15 Gallons Shower, 12 Gallons 69 Gallons/Person/Day Source: American Water Works Association, 2010 & Handbook of Water Use and Conservation

3 Enterprise Community Partners | 3GREEN & HEALTHY LIVING: Water Conservation What’s Your Water Use? Complete Water Conservation Exercises 1 & 2: What habits waste the most water? What habits can I change? How much water would I save? How much water could all of us save together?

4 Enterprise Community Partners | 4GREEN & HEALTHY LIVING: Water Conservation Property Management Actions Repair leaks Fix running toilets, fix flappers Install low flow faucets Install low flow toilets Install low flow clothes washers Reduce irrigation Flapper

5 Enterprise Community Partners | 5GREEN & HEALTHY LIVING: Water Conservation Leaks Leaking toilet can waste up to 200 gallons/day Faucet leak 1 drip/second wastes 5 gallons/day Hot water leaks waste water and energy Leaks account for 14% of household water use

6 Enterprise Community Partners | 6GREEN & HEALTHY LIVING: Water Conservation Water Saving Product Replacement & Retrofits Toilet Kitchen & Bath Faucet Showerhead ClothesWasher Dishwasher Retrofit Option Fix leaking flapper Install WaterSense aerator N/A Replacement Option EPA WaterSense toilet WaterSense faucet WaterSense showerhead Energy clothes washer EnergyStar dishwasher

7 Enterprise Community Partners | 7GREEN & HEALTHY LIVING: Water Conservation What is WaterSense? WaterSense is a label that indicates whether a product meets EPA water efficiency standards WaterSense Standards Showerheads < 2 gallons per minute Faucets <1.5 gallons per minute Toilets use < 1.28 gallons per flush & flush 350 grams of solid matter (they work!) website lists EPA WaterSense products

8 Enterprise Community Partners | 8GREEN & HEALTHY LIVING: Water Conservation What is EPA Energy Star? EPA program that sets energy and water efficiency standards for products, evaluates products, lists approved products. You may recognize the logo, it’s on appliances like refrigerators, televisions, etc. ENERGY STAR also evaluates clothes washers for energy and water use.

9 Enterprise Community Partners | 9GREEN & HEALTHY LIVING: Water Conservation Together, We Can Make a Difference! Resident: 51 Gallons Saved/DAY Management: 40 Gallons Saved/DAY Together: 90+ Gallons Saved/DAY += 1 Gallon saved/day Shorter Showers Report Leaks Showers 20 Gallons Kitchen Sink 24 Gallons Bathroom 11 Gallons Don’t Run Bath Faucet Don’t Run Kitchen Faucet Toilets 20 Gallons Install WaterSense Showerhead Repair Leaks Install Bath Aerator Install Sink Aerator

10 Enterprise Community Partners | 10GREEN & HEALTHY LIVING: Water Conservation What’s Your Action Plan Management Actions? Resident Actions? How will we track our progress?

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