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Michinaga Kohno APEC LCMT Taskforce Taskforce Japan for Study Group (A) [Hitachi, Ltd] Report on Site Visits by Study Group (A) 6th Meeting of the Low.

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1 Michinaga Kohno APEC LCMT Taskforce Taskforce Japan for Study Group (A) [Hitachi, Ltd] Report on Site Visits by Study Group (A) 6th Meeting of the Low Carbon Model Town Taskforce Da Nang, Vietnam 18 November, 2013

2 2 © APEC 2013. All rights reserved. Purposes and Dates & Destinations Purposes Hearing and visit of case examples of Low Carbon Town in advanced APEC economies Hearing and visit of case examples of Low Carbon Town in developing APEC economies Hearing of existing activities on Low Carbon Town Indicators Dates & Destinations 23 JulyCity of Portland, OR, USA 25-26 JulyLima, Peru Municipality of San Borja Peruvian Ministry of Energy and Mines 29-30 JulyWashington DC 29 JulyLearning of CASBEE given by NSRI US Department of Housing and Urban Planning 30 JulyThe US Green Building Council The Brookings Institution

3 3 © APEC 2013. All rights reserved. Members China Ms. Su Xing, Project Manager, China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Group Consulting Company (Study Group A member) Thailand Ms. Santivipa Phanichkul, Secretary General, Global Warming Academy Institute (Study Group A member) Japan Mr. Michinaga Kohno, Senior Chief Engineer, Hitachi, Ltd. (SG-A member) Mr. Masato Takahashi, Manager, Hitachi, Ltd. (Observer) Dr. Kazutomo Irie, General Manager of Research Department, APERC Mr. Goichi Komori, Senior Researcher, APERC Mr. Juan Roberto Lozano Maya, Researcher, APERC Mr. Takahiro Ogawa, Senior Consultant, NIKKEN SEKKEI Research Institute (Indicator study assignee)

4 4 © APEC 2013. All rights reserved. Summary of the Visits (1) City of Portland Workshop with Portland Energy Conservation (PECI)  “Climate Action Plan 2009” aims at the reduction of GHG emission by 80% by 2050 to 1990 as the base.  Focused issues towards 2040 are (1) growth in centers, (2) protect industry, (3) protect rural areas, (4) nature in the city, and (5) travel options – bike lanes and pedestrian lanes. “Climate Action Plan 2009” is the first plan of this aspect at the municipality level in the United States. Public and private collaboration seems to work well. LEED-awarded buildings are expanding. By repeating regional (neighborhood) renewal projects, population is being concentrated into the city center.

5 5 © APEC 2013. All rights reserved. Summary of the Visits (2) Municipality of San Borja, Lima, Peru Meeting with city officials including Mayor Marco Alvarez Vargas  As a residential area, the municipality aims at a town, where people want to live.  Focused activities include (1) expansion of urban forestry, (2) “San Borja on Bike” - free rental bikes and bike lanes, (3) education of citizens on the use of renewable energy (bio-mass), and (4) separate collection of solid waste. Visits to facilities  City hall: Display of surveillance camera images in the lobby  Park: Visualization of water treatment for citizens, Experience facility of bicycle power generation  “Kallpa Wasi” (educational facility): Bio-mass processing, energy- efficient house material  Collection posts for solid waste Strong leadership by the mayor Dissemination of low-carbon vision among citizens

6 6 © APEC 2013. All rights reserved. Summary of the Visits (3) Municipality of San Borja, Lima, Peru (Photos)

7 7 © APEC 2013. All rights reserved. Summary of the Visits (4) Peruvian Ministry of Energy and Mines Basic policies are (1) economic point of view, (2) security of services, and (3) social and environmental sustainability. Major issues include conversion of energy source from coal- fired thermal plants to renewable energy. Learning of CASBEE “CASBEE” (Comprehensive Assessment System for Built Environment Efficiency) is an assessment system for environmental load of buildings developed in Japan, and later has been expanded to urban blocks and cities. US Department of Housing and Urban Planning Focused activities include (1) transportation (different options), (2) affordable housing, (3) more community respective, (4) values of town, and (5) private investment.

8 8 © APEC 2013. All rights reserved. Summary of the Visits (5) US Green Building Council The headquarter of LEED promotion Broad activities in energy and environmental design LEED Ver.3 is in operation, and Ver. 4 will be approved in November, 2013. Brookings Institution – Metropolitan Policy Program The development cost of shale gas and its impact to environment will affect the rehabilitation of urban economy. Employment is an important condition of the sustainable growth of cities. The new intra-city transportation system should be discussed and the entire traffic volume must be reduced.

9 9 © APEC 2013. All rights reserved. Recent Movements in Standardization TC268 WG1 WG2 SC1 ISO Management standards City indicators Smart infrastructure metrics France Canada Japan IEC JP, DE, CN France System Evaluation Group on Smart Cities Marketing Strategy Board Smart City White Paper Prj ITU-T SG3/Focus Group on Smart and Sustainable Cities Study Group on Smart Cities JTC Spain Japan ISO: International Standardization OrganizationIEC: International Electrotechnical Commission ITU-T: International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication Standardization SectorJTC: Joint Technical Committee Bold letters indicate APEC economies


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