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West Virginia Energy Opportunities Document Public hearings.

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Presentation on theme: "West Virginia Energy Opportunities Document Public hearings."— Presentation transcript:

1 West Virginia Energy Opportunities Document Public hearings

2 “… provide leadership for developing energy policies emphasizing the increased efficiency of energy use, (and) the increased development and production of new and existing domestic energy sources.” West Virginia Energy Policy and Development Act of 2007 (SB 177) creates W.Va. Division of Energy to: WHY a state energy plan?

3  Increased global energy demand  Unstable energy costs  Decreased reliability of conventional sources  New energy sources becoming competitive What are the drivers?

4 West Virginia Department of Commerce West Virginia Division of Energy Energy Efficiency Program Office of Coalfield Community Development Public Energy Authority Who are we?

5 As a nation, we now import 60% of our oil needs “Our overall goal is to displace 1.3 billion gallons of oil by 2030. That figure represents 60% of our state oil use.” From “West Virginia Energy Opportunities, A Blueprint for the Future, Resources for Economic Growth and Energy Security” No. 1 issue

6  Enhanced production of fossil energy sources including advanced coal technologies  Renewable energy development  Energy efficiency How do we do this?

7 Coal-biomass-to-liquid 100,000 barrels per day from coal liquids Coal production increased by 15 percent Same impact as conventional oil Use 30 percent biomass blend Sequester the CO2 Fossil energy resources:

8 Coalbed methane 4 bcf in annual production by 2030 Coal waste Production could be increased by 4 million tons a year divided between waste coal (gob) and fines Enhanced oil recovery A 10 percent increase in production through EOR yields an increase of 160,000 barrels annually Fossil energy resources (continued):

9 Wind energy Planned projects would be in place by 2010 Biofuels Cellulosic ethanol Landfill gas 4 million cubic feet Renewables:

10 Solar technologies 570 customers install 10 kw PV systems by 2030 Hydroelectric power Hydro license acquisition Chicken litter 190,000 tons annually used for energy Renewables (continued):

11 Building codes Building in conformance with energy code can save 17% energy K-12 public school energy program Reduce energy cost to systems by 15% ENERGY STAR compliance Reduce home annual energy use by 31% Efficiency:

12 Industry Saving millions in natural gas costs through assessment, technical assistance and modernization - IOF-WV Transportation Alternative fuels Public transportation Idling reduction Efficiency (continued):

13 Public meetings Today: Energy efficiency Sept. 27, 2007: Renewables Oct. 25, 2007: Fossil energy Online comments

14 West Virginia Energy Opportunities Document Public hearings

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