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Renewable & Non Renewable Energy By Sophie. Renewable Energy What is renewable energy? Renewable energy comes from natural resources such as – Sunlight.

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Presentation on theme: "Renewable & Non Renewable Energy By Sophie. Renewable Energy What is renewable energy? Renewable energy comes from natural resources such as – Sunlight."— Presentation transcript:

1 Renewable & Non Renewable Energy By Sophie

2 Renewable Energy What is renewable energy? Renewable energy comes from natural resources such as – Sunlight – Wind – Rain – Tides – Recycled metals

3 Facts about Renewable Resources Renewable energy provides 18 per-cent of total electricity generated worldwide Solar energy is used to heat hot water in many countries, and can also be used to heat houses All energy types are expensive but as time goes on renewable energy is getting cheaper

4 Non Renewable Energy What is non renewable energy? Non renewable energy is a natural resource that can not be produced or generated such as – Coal – Petroleum – Natural Gas – Oil

5 Facts about Non Renewable Resources Coal is found in large volumes in Asia, Eastern Europe and the United States More than 50 per-cent of the worlds oil is found in the Middle East Natural gas is a mixture of methane, ethane and propane

6 Solar Powered Car Windmill Oil Drilling Platform Coal Mine

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