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Hydrogen. ●Hydrogen is used to power a range of new alternate fuel vehicles. ●NASA used hydrogen as a fuel source to launch space shuttles ●Can be used.

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Presentation on theme: "Hydrogen. ●Hydrogen is used to power a range of new alternate fuel vehicles. ●NASA used hydrogen as a fuel source to launch space shuttles ●Can be used."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hydrogen

2 ●Hydrogen is used to power a range of new alternate fuel vehicles. ●NASA used hydrogen as a fuel source to launch space shuttles ●Can be used as a source of heat ●and electricity ●President Bush started a program called the Hydrogen Fuel Initiative (HPI) to try to develop hydrogen fuel cell technologies How can this type of energy be used?

3 ●Hydrogen fuel cells are basically like a battery that uses hydrogen to produce electricity ●Hydrogen can be mass produced by using electrolysis to separate hydrogen and oxygen in water ●Can also extract from hydrocarbons which are an important part of our current fuel sources (natural gas, gasoline, methanol, and propane) How is this type of energy easily renewed?

4 ●It would cost almost 28 trillion dollars annually to isolate hydrogen from raw materials like coal, natural gas, etc. ●Cost per gallon: about $1.00 ●Source cost: $1.50 per 1000 gallons What is the cost of using this type of energy?

5 Fuel cells only emit heat and water ●Readily available ●Environment friendly ●Very efficient source of energy ●Renewable source What are the positive aspects to using this resource?

6 ●Expensive to isolate hydrogen from compounds ●Highly flammable ●Hard to store ●We would still need to use non-renewable sources What are the negative aspects to using this resource?

7 A.How is the energy gathered or created? ●Hydrogen can be separated from hydrocarbons through the application of heat - a process known as reforming. Currently, most hydrogen is made this way from natural gas. ●The chemical energy of hydrogen is converted by a combustion method similar to current engines or in a fuel cell which produces water and electricity by reacting hydrogen with oxygen. A.How is the energy stored for later use? ●High-pressure storage in the gaseous form. ●Very low temperature storage in the liquid form. ●Hydride-based storage in the solid form A.What are the worst by-products of this form of energy? The by-products are not harmful, it only produces water and heat A.Currently, what is keeping this form of energy from widespread use? This form of energy is not cost efficient and long term storage is difficult. They must also find new efficient ways to isolate hydrogen What is the science behind this resource?

8 ●Hydrogen fuel cells should hopefully become accessible to the public in a range of 10 to 20 years. ●Difficulties faced in providing this energy resource to the public are mass production and the rarity of productive storage methods. When is this resource expected to be easily accessible to the general public?

9 ● ogen ogen ● ext-generation/4199381 ext-generation/4199381 ● ● gasoline/ gasoline/ ● ext-generation/4199381 Bibliography

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