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Sustainable Government Symposium Donald Barnes Energy Manager Illinois Department of Central Management Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainable Government Symposium Donald Barnes Energy Manager Illinois Department of Central Management Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainable Government Symposium Donald Barnes Energy Manager Illinois Department of Central Management Services

2 What Have We Done? Department of Central Management Services (CMS) Shared Services Procurement Real Estate Management Leases Information Systems

3 What Have We Done? Department of Central Management Services (CMS) Energy Activities Renewable Electricity Procurement Temperature Control Standards for State facilities Energy Consumption Benchmarking

4 Renewable Energy CMS aggregated the electricity demand for all state facilities located in the ComEd and Ameren service regions under a single contract The contract requires the vendor to secure a portion of the supply from renewable resources 2007 – 3% 2008 – 4% 2009 – 5%

5 Renewable Energy Volumes 2007 – 12,750,000 kWh 2008 – 17,000,000 kWh 2009 – 21,250,000 kWh Impact over the first three years 121,941,000 lbs of Greenhouse Gases (CO2) 166,617 lbs of Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) 429,930 lbs of Sulfur Dioxides (SO2) 2,231,913 milligrams of Mercury (Hg)

6 Temperature Control Standards

7 Heating Season Policy description Setpoints Occupied Periods – between 68° and 72°F Unoccupied Periods - 55°F

8 Temperature Control Standards Heating Season Results FY 2006 2,200,000 therms of natural gas not used ~$2 million cost avoidance Greenhouse gas emission reductions

9 Temperature Control Standards

10 Cooling Season Policy description Setpoints Occupied Periods – between 75° and 78°F Unoccupied Periods - 82°F

11 Temperature Control Standards Cooling Season Results FY 2006 15.2 million kWh not used ~$1 million in cost avoidance Greenhouse gas emission reductions

12 Temperature Control Standards

13 What Do We Do Now? Energy Tracking And Reduction Public Act 95-0559 requires Agencies to Report energy consumption on a quarterly basis Reduce energy consumption by 10% by 2018 Establish Agency “Green Teams” to develop energy and environmental impact reduction strategies CMS to report findings to Governor CMS Plan Develop central database to record and analyze energy performance data Provide technical support to Agencies in reaching the 10% reduction goal CMS to advocate programming of capital upgrades designed to reduce energy use and resulting emissions

14 What Can I Do? Energy Tracking Document each utility account paid by your agency including meter numbers. Send account information to CMS. Authorize CMS to obtain utility information directly from providers on your behalf. Begin reading utility meters and keeping logs as part of facility operations records. Notify CMS of significant operational changes which will impact utility usage.

15 What Can I Do? Lighting Turn off lights in unoccupied offices, employee lounges and conference rooms where possible. Replace incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs in personal- use desk lamps.

16 What Can I Do? Office Equipment Buy only Energy Star-compliant office equipment. Activate built-in sleep mode settings programmed into office equipment. Turn off computers and office equipment at the end of the work day.

17 What Can I Do? Personal Appliances DO NOT USE SPACE HEATERS. They are a safety hazard and are highly energy inefficient. Locate shared-use microwaves, refrigerators, and coffee-makers in employee lounges where possible. Battery-powered radios and desk fans are great alternatives to their plug-in counterparts.

18 What Can I Do? Temperature Control Wear job-appropriate, loose-fitting clothes in summer. Wear job-appropriate, layered clothes in winter. Adjust blinds/drapes/curtains to restrict direct sunlight in summer and to deflect drafts in winter.

19 Please forward comments and questions to: Donald Barnes (312) 814-6940

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