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Presentation on theme: "AASHTO SUBCOMMITTEE ON CONSTRUCTION AUGUST 2010 SHRP 2 Renewal Program Overview."— Presentation transcript:


2 What Questions will be addressed? What is Highway Renewal? Why is it important? What is the SHRP 2 Renewal Program? How can I use the SHRP 2 Products?

3 What are we facing Heavy Traffic Volumes Concern to maximize the movement of traffic Restrictions on the time and length of traffic lane closures Need to maximize service life of facilities Need to minimize impacts to the community

4 What is Highway Renewal? The reconstruction or substantial rehabilitation of deteriorating highway infrastructure to new standards of service, while the infrastructure continues to serve the traveling public. Rapid Renewal implies accelerated construction but also includes project delivery, design, and operational & maintenance features that minimize the total project length and produces long lasting facilities

5 R09. Risk Manual R06. High-Speed NDT* R04. Innovative Bridge Designs R01. Locating Utilities* R02. Geotech Solutions R05. Modular Pavement R07. Performance Specs R16. Railroad-DOT Mitigation Strategies R16. Railroad-DOT Mitigation Strategies R15. Integrating Utility and Transportation Agency Priorities* R23. Using Existing In-place Pavement & Achieving long Life R23. Using Existing In-place Pavement & Achieving long Life R21. Composite Systems Systems R26. Preservation Approaches Approaches R19. Bridges for Service Life of 100 Years* R19. Bridges for Service Life of 100 Years* Rapid Approaches Long-Lived Facilities Minimize Disruption 28 Research Projects - $32 Million R11. Strategic Approaches at Corridor/Network Level R10. Project Management for Large Projects R03. Worker Fatigue Technology Related Project Delivery Related Indicates Multiple Projects *

6 Prime contractor: Battelle Institute Project Completion: March 31, 2012 R03. Identifying and Reducing Worker, Inspector, and Manager Fatigue in Rapid Renewal Environments Anticipated Outcomes Techniques to reduce worker fatigueTechniques to reduce worker fatigue Strategies to incorporate fatigue reducing practices into rapid renewal projectsStrategies to incorporate fatigue reducing practices into rapid renewal projects Strategies to educate the transportation community and leaders on the importance of mitigating fatigue.Strategies to educate the transportation community and leaders on the importance of mitigating fatigue.200920102011 Phase 1 Phase 2 2012

7 R07. Performance Specifications for Rapid Highway Renewal –Guidelines for ranking performance parameters (e.g., time, quality, cost, risk, complexity) based on project type –Specifications for different highway renewal scenarios and guidelines for their implementation –Electronic version of Specifications available for use by practitioners Anticipated Outcomes 20072008200920102011 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 1 2012 Prime contractor: Trauner Consulting Services, Inc Project Completion: February 2012

8 Prime contractor: Golder Associates Inc Project Completion: Fall 2010 R09. Guide for the Process of Managing Risk on Rapid Renewal Contracts Guide for conducting risk management on rapid renewal contractsGuide for conducting risk management on rapid renewal contracts Materials to aid SHAs with the implementation of the Guide, including two test workshopsMaterials to aid SHAs with the implementation of the Guide, including two test workshops Anticipated Outcomes 20072008200920102011 2012 Phase 1

9 20072008200920102011 2012 Project R09   Completed Assessment of Guide to Risk Assessment and Allocation for Highway Construction Management for applicability to Rapid Renewal Contracts. Development of components of the risk report that need to be further developed for Rapid Renewal application.   Guide, Training Materials and Workshops Workshop with NCDOT in October 2009 2 nd Workshop May 2010 in Redmond Washington R09. Guide for the Process of Managing Risk on Rapid Renewal Contracts Phase 1

10 Prime contractor: Iowa State University Project Completion: February 2012 R10. Project Management Strategies for Complex Projects Anticipated Outcomes Tools that transportation agencies can be use to develop innovative and effective project management strategies to accelerate sound decision-making during rapid renewal projects. A guidebook for innovative project managementA guidebook for innovative project management Example Case studies of project management strategies for complex projectsExample Case studies of project management strategies for complex projects Workshop and training packages to support adoption of these management strategies by all stakeholdersWorkshop and training packages to support adoption of these management strategies by all stakeholders200920102011 Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 2012

11 Current Project Management Model Quality CostSchedule Traditional “Iron Triangle” of Project Management

12 Proposed Project Management Framework Quality (Technical) Context Schedule Cost Financing

13 SHRP 2 Products – How do they fit R06D

14 SHRP2 Renewal Solutions

15 SHRP 2 Renewal The Life Cycle Approach Procurement Design Planning Operations & Maint Construction

16 Planning Design SHRP 2 Renewal The Life Cycle Approach DOT/Railroad Successful Practices and Model Agreements DOT/Utility Successful Practices Guidelines and tools for: Project ManagementProject Management Risk ManagementRisk Management Corridor and Network Level planning for Renewal ProjectsCorridor and Network Level planning for Renewal Projects DOT Utility Successful Practices Tools and Guidelines for Utility Location and Relocation NDT tools for gathering data for input into Design Design Guidelines and tools for: Long Life PavementsLong Life Pavements Geotechnical SolutionsGeotechnical Solutions Long life BridgesLong life Bridges

17 SHRP 2 Renewal The Life Cycle Approach DOT Railroad Model Agreements DOT Utility Best Practices Guidelines and tools for: Performance Specifications Project Management Risk Management and Transfer Worker and Manager Fatigue Management Construction Guidelines and tools for: Long Life Pavements Modular Pavements Composite Pavements Using Existing Pavement in place Geotechnical Solutions Long life Bridges Worker Fatigue NDT tools for Construction QA/QC Procurement Construction

18 SHRP 2 Renewal The Life Cycle Approach NDT tools to assess the ongoing condition of roadways, bridges, and Tunnels Guidelines and tools for: Preservation approaches for High Traffic Volume Roadways Maintenance and preservation of 100 year bridges Operations & Maint.

19 Construction Quality Assurance Tools Operations & Maint. Construction Nondestructive Testing Tools Evaluation of Field Spectroscopy Devices Real-Time Smoothness Measurements of PCC Pavements Infrared and GPR for Uniformity Measurement of New HMA Layers

20 What SHRP 2 is doing … Condition Assessment Nondestructive Testing Tools Planning Design Operations & Maint. NDT to Identify Delaminations between HMA Layers NDT to Identity Bridge Deck Deterioration NDT for Tunnel Linings

21 Long Life Pavements Design guidelines Focusing on tools for the design, construction, and preservation of long life pavements. Construction guidelines New composite pavement systems Using the existing pavement structure in place for use during new pavement construction Modular Pavement Systems Soil Stabilization Guidelines for assesses real-time PCC Pavement Smoothness During Construction Guidelines for pavement presentation on High Traffic Volume Roadways NDT tools for condition assessment Planning DesignConstructionProc.Operations and Maint.

22 Service Limit State Design Focus on developing new design codes that incorporate a rational approach based on SLS for durability and performance of bridges performance measures that utilize full probability-based service life design criteria Long Life Bridges Recommendations for LRFD Design and LOAD RATING Specs SLS approach, method for re-calibration, toolbox database, examples Implementation plan Planning DesignConstructionProc.Operations and Maint.

23 Recommendations for LRFD Design Specs Analysis methods Details Innovative systems Focus on Improving existing and prove promising concepts for systems, subsystems, and components that historically limit the service life of bridges Long Life Bridges Recommendations for LRFD CONSTRUCTION Specs Stand-alone guide devoted to Design for Life. PlanningDesign Operations & Maint Const.Proc.

24 Thank you for listening James Bryant

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