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Introductions: Tom Boyd – Tonn and Blank Construction, LEED Green Associate Tom Boyd – Tonn and Blank Construction, LEED Green Associate Sr. Martha Ann.

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Presentation on theme: "Introductions: Tom Boyd – Tonn and Blank Construction, LEED Green Associate Tom Boyd – Tonn and Blank Construction, LEED Green Associate Sr. Martha Ann."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introductions: Tom Boyd – Tonn and Blank Construction, LEED Green Associate Tom Boyd – Tonn and Blank Construction, LEED Green Associate Sr. Martha Ann – St. Francis Hospitals Sr. Martha Ann – St. Francis Hospitals


3 2009 LEED Programs LEED for New Construction LEED for New Construction LEED for Existing Buildings LEED for Existing Buildings LEED for Commercial Interiors LEED for Commercial Interiors LEED for Core & Shell LEED for Core & Shell LEED for Homes LEED for Homes LEED for Schools LEED for Schools LEED for Neighborhood Developments LEED for Neighborhood Developments

4 Pilot Programs in Development LEED for Laboratories LEED for Laboratories LEED for Multiple Buildings LEED for Multiple Buildings LEED for Healthcare LEED for Healthcare LEED for Retail LEED for Retail

5 Sustainable Sites PRc1 – Construction Activity Pollution Prevention SSc1 – Site Selection SSc2 – Development Density and Community Connectivity SSc3 – Brownfield redevelopment SSc4.1 – Alternative Transportation – Public Transportation Access SSc4.2 – Alternative Transportation – Bicycle Storage and Changing Rooms SSc4.3 – Alternative Transportation – Low Emitting and Fuel Efficient vehicles SSc4.4 – Alternative Transportation – Parking Capacity SSc5.1 – Protect or Restore habitat SSc5.2 – Maximize open space SSc6.1 – Storm Water Design Quantity Control SSc6.2 – Storm Water Deign – Quality Control SSc7.1 – Heat Island Effect – Non-roof SSc7.2 – Heat Island Effect - roof SSc8 – Light Pollution Reduction

6 Water Efficiency PRc1 – Water Use Reduction WEc1 – Water Efficient Landscaping WEc2 – Innovative Wastewater Technologies WEc3 – Water Use Reduction

7 Energy and Atmosphere PRc1 – Fundamental commissioning of building energy systems PRc2 – Minimum Energy Performance PRc3 – Fundamental refrigerant Management EAc1 – Optimize Energy Performance EAc2 – On-site renewable energy EAc3 – Enhanced commissioning EAc4 – Enhanced Refrigeration Management EAc5 – Measurement and Verification EAc6 – Green Power

8 Materials and Resources PRc1 – Storage and Collection of Recyclables MRc1 – Building Reuse - Maintain Existing Walls, Floors, and Roof MRc2 – Construction Waste Management MRc3 – Materials Reuse MRc4 – Recycled Content MRc5 – Regional Materials MRc6 – Rapidly Renewable Materials MRc7 – Certified Wood

9 Indoor Environmental Quality PRc1 – Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance PRc2 – Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) Control EAc1 – Outdoor Air Delivery Monitoring EAc2 – Increased Ventilation EAc3 – Construction Indoor Air Quality Management Plan During Construction EAc4.1 – Low Emitting Materials – Adhesives and Sealants EAc4.2 – Low Emitting Materials – Flooring Systems EAc4.3 – Low Emitting Materials – Composite Wood and Agrifiber Products EAc4.4 – Low Emitting Materials – Furniture and Furnishings EAc5 – Indoor Chemical and Pollutant Source Control EAc6.1 – Controllability of Systems – Lighting EAc6.2 – Controllability of Systems – Thermal Comfort EAc7.1 – Thermal Comfort Design EAc7.2 – Thermal Comfort Verification EAc8.1 – Daylight and Views - Daylight EAc8.2 – Daylight and Views - Views

10 Other Points available during LEED Certification Innovative in Design (ID) Innovative in Design (ID) Regional Priority (RP) Regional Priority (RP)








18 LEED 2009 for New Construction, Core & Shell, and Schools 100 base points; 6 possible innovation and design and 4 regional Priority points 100 base points; 6 possible innovation and design and 4 regional Priority points CERTIFIED 40-49 POINTS CERTIFIED 40-49 POINTS SILVER 50-59 POINTS SILVER 50-59 POINTS GOLD 60-79 POINTS GOLD 60-79 POINTS PLATINUM 80 POINTS + PLATINUM 80 POINTS +











29 How Do I Certify a Project?

30 The LEED certification process 1. Conduct a LEED project Charrette Goal is to develop a viable LEED credit strategy Goal is to develop a viable LEED credit strategy Choose a filing strategy Choose a filing strategy Assign team member responsibilities Assign team member responsibilities Use LEED checklist as a guideline Use LEED checklist as a guideline 2. Project Registration Register project on-line & pay fee Register project on-line & pay fee Members = $900 / Non-members = $1200 Members = $900 / Non-members = $1200 Complete project summary & LEED online checklist Complete project summary & LEED online checklist Project team gets access to online submittal Project team gets access to online submittal Templates & CIRs Templates & CIRs 3. Manage Documentation Through LEED online Project Administrator implements filing strategy Project Administrator implements filing strategy Sign up for LEED online Sign up for LEED online Refine Filing strategy Refine Filing strategy Download online submittal templates Download online submittal templates

31 The LEED certification process 4. Complete Documentation Work with team members to fulfill requirements Work with team members to fulfill requirements Upload documentation as design / construction progresses Upload documentation as design / construction progresses Refine Strategies Refine Strategies 5. File Documentation with GBCI File design prerequisites / credits at end of CD phase File design prerequisites / credits at end of CD phase File construction prerequisites / credits at end of construction phase File construction prerequisites / credits at end of construction phase Submit templates on-line for GBCI to review Submit templates on-line for GBCI to review 6. Certification Award Plaque awarded after successful review Plaque awarded after successful review


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