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Update of Downtown Rail Improvements DFWI & Chamber Stakeholders February 26, 2014 Alonzo Liñán, PE, PTOE City of Fort Worth.

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Presentation on theme: "Update of Downtown Rail Improvements DFWI & Chamber Stakeholders February 26, 2014 Alonzo Liñán, PE, PTOE City of Fort Worth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Update of Downtown Rail Improvements DFWI & Chamber Stakeholders February 26, 2014 Alonzo Liñán, PE, PTOE City of Fort Worth

2 Agenda Tower 55 Live Oak Connector 9 th Street Crossing Questions… 2

3 Tower 55 3

4 4 Tower 55 TIGER Grant Goal Increase Economic Productivity Improve Community Livability Improve Environmental Sustainability Impact Add train capacity Reduce train and vehicle congestion Close two (2) crossings ( BNSF & East 1 st and BNSF & Peach Street ) Reconstruct two (2) crossings ( BNSF & Gounah and BNSF & Cold Springs ) Improved pedestrian mobility and safety Sidewalks, Streetlights, Fencing Install traffic signals at Hampton and Belknap Improved Air Quality Conditions

5 Two BNSF Rail Crossing Closures Tower 55 Peach Street East 1 st Two BNSF Rail Bridge Improvements Cold Springs Gounah 5

6 Existing Crossing Closures BNSF & Peach Street BNSF & 1 st Street 6

7 Cold Springs Overpass Reconstruction Before After 7

8 Before Gounah St. Overpass Reconstruction After Before 8

9 Tower 55 Pedestrian Impacts 9

10 Sidewalk Network 10 Gounah Peach

11 Tower 55 Fencing 11

12 Tower 55 Fencing 12

13 Tower 55 Pedestrian Impacts 13

14 3 rd St Accessibility Existing sidewalk at 3 rd St underpass No Improvements proposed 14

15 15 East Lancaster St. Bridges Built in 1906 (est) UP led work Rehabilitate abutment wall Encapsulate center posts with micro piles Re-deck entire structure Local partners coordination for detours and traffic control

16 Tower 55 New Traffic Signals 16

17 Live Oak Connector 17

18 Live Oak Connector Goal New street construction for reliable neighborhood access Impact Construct Live Oak Street from 1 st to 4 th St Close (2) UPRR crossings (E 1 st and Peach) Construct fencing on both sides of track Project still underway 18

19 Live Oak Connector 55 Fencing 19

20 9 th Street Crossing 20

21 9 th Street Crossing 21

22 9 th Street Crossing Discussions to Date Reopen at-grade RR crossing Leave as is (closed) Considerations Businesses are restricted Quiet Zone/Horns Staging of trains Number of trains 22

23 Schedule Updates Tower 55 Anticipated substantial completion date – September 2014 Crossing Closures – Late July 2014 – 1 st Street and Peach Street – In advance of school year to ensure safe traffic flows Grade separations – Complete Mid-June 2014 – Gounah Street – May 1 st target completion – Cold Springs Road – June 1 st target completion Live Oak Plans nearing completion Expect construction to be done by end of 2015 9th Street Pending Land Owner Discussions 23

24 Questions? DFWI & Chamber Stakeholders February 26, 2014

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