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The Equal Rights Struggle Expands Section 4 Pgs. 895-900.

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1 The Equal Rights Struggle Expands Section 4 Pgs. 895-900

2 Other Minorities Organize Key? - How did other minorities fight for civil rights? Latino population diverse. Mexican Americans united under Cesar Chavez, a Mexican farm worker. Created a labor union under non-violent tactics. The United Farm Workers Organizing Committee (UFWOC).

3 continued 1965 – Grape growers refused to recognize WFWOC. Chavez launched a nation-wide grape boycott. Success for Chavez when in 1970 negotiated a favorable contract. Mexicans united in cities for better education. 1970, formed La Raza Unida, to help elect Mexicans to public office.

4 Native American Activism Suffered loss of lands and massive killing. Reservations in poverty. Indian schools- their culture forbidden. Must assimilate, blend into white society. “termination policy” ending federal protection of assets and giving power to the states. Also, sold 1.6 million acres of their land. NA united to protest –founded the National Congress of American Indians. (NCAI)

5 continued NA Indians least prosperous and short life span. 1961 met in Chicago and issued the Declaration of Indian Purpose. Wanted to the right to choose their own way of life – preserve heritage. AIM –American Indian Movement founded in 1968. Indian Self-Determination Act and Education Assistance Act of 1975 gave tribal more control over social programs, law enforcement and education.

6 The Women’s Movement Revives Key? – What did the Women’s Movement hope to achieve? During WWII, 7 million women worked. 1960s women continued to demand equal rights. Limited legal rights: signing contracts, selling property, getting credit. Society pressure to quit work if pregnant.

7 Continued Betty Friedan’s founded the National Organization for Women (NOW). Mission to help women get good jobs and equal pay. “glass ceiling”- invisible barrier that keeps women from receiving same promotions as men.

8 Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) Congress passed in 1972. Did not pass ratification from 38 states needed. Well-organized opposition from Phyllis Schafly who thought it would destroy families. The Higher Education Act of 1972 – Title IX- outlawed discrimination against women in schools, and receiving federal funds.

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