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Work Packages: 1. Technologies (combination of CSP and desalting technologies) 2. Water Resources and Solar Energy Resources 3. Demand Side Scenario 4.

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Presentation on theme: "Work Packages: 1. Technologies (combination of CSP and desalting technologies) 2. Water Resources and Solar Energy Resources 3. Demand Side Scenario 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Work Packages: 1. Technologies (combination of CSP and desalting technologies) 2. Water Resources and Solar Energy Resources 3. Demand Side Scenario 4. Market Potential 2000-2050 5. Socio-Economic Impacts 6. Environmental Impacts 7. Literature  Final Report a la MED-CSP and TRANS-CSP by end 2007

2 WP 1: Technologies Desalination Overview

3 WP 1: Technologies Desalination Overview

4 WP 1: Technologies CSP Overview

5 MED: Multi-Effect-Distillation RO: Reverse Osmosis Membrane Desalination WP 1: Technologies Reference Plant Definition MED Solar FieldStorage Power Plant Water Power fuel solar heat heat Combined Heat & Power RO Solar FieldStorage Power Plant Water Power fuel solar heat Power Only Solar FieldStorage MED fuel solar heat Water Power grid Heat Only

6 Solar FieldStorage MED fuel solar heat Water Power grid Heat Only WP 1: Technologies Reference Plant Definition Low temperature, low cost direct heat  Novatec Fresnel and Solitem Trough

7 WP 1: Technologies Reference Plant Definition High temperature solar heat  Steam Cycle with Trough, Tower or Fresnel  Combined Cycle or Gas Turbine with Tower  REFOS Concept DLR (USHYNE Project) RO Solar FieldStorage Power Plant Water Power fuel solar heat Power Only

8 WP 1: Technologies Reference Plant Definition MED Solar FieldStorage Power Plant Water Power fuel solar heat heat Combined Heat & Power High temperature solar heat  Steam Cycle with Trough, Tower or Fresnel  Combined Cycle or Gas Turbine with Tower  REFOS Concept DLR (USHYNE Project)

9 WP 1: Technologies Reference Plant Selection Possible combinations of CSP and desalination: which one could be the reference case for the AQUA-CSP study? MEDRO Parabolic TroughCentral ReceiverLinear Fresnel Steam TurbineGas TurbineCombined Cycle

10 WP 1: Technologies Reference Plant Selection Why Linear Fresnel as CSP-Reference?  Best Land Use Efficiency  seashore, populated areas, industry, tourism  Low Weight & Simple Structure  Potential for Low Cost  Easy Integration to Environment  shade, agriculture, parking etc.  Less wind load and easier cleaning  lower operation & maintenance cost Using Fresnel as Reference does not exclude other CSP Technologies!

11 WP 1: Technologies Reference Plant Selection Specific weight of solar field per aperture area: Fresnel (Novatec) 28 kg/m² Trough (Andasol) 135 kg/m² Tower (Solar Tres)122 kg/m² Output of 110,000 m² (land area) solar field

12 WP 1: Technologies Reference Plant Selection Novatec PS 10 Andasol

13 WP 1: Technologies Reference Plant Analysis Task: 24,000 m³/day + 21 MW net power for 7 different sites in MENA

14 WP 1: Technologies Reference Plant Analysis

15 WP 1: Technologies Reference Plant Analysis Status 2007 130,000 m² 120,000 m² 25 MW gross 24,000 m³/d

16 WP 1: Technologies Reference Plant Analysis Status 2007 Increasing thermal energy storage = increasing cost

17 WP 1: Technologies Reference Plant Analysis Status 2020 Increasing thermal energy storage = decreasing cost

18 WP 1: Technologies Reference Plant Analysis Comparison of CSP/MED and CSP/RO Reference Plants:  CSP/MED requires about 10 % less input energy than CSP/RO  Investment for CSP/MED is about 10 % higher than for CSP/RO  Overall cost of water of CSP/MED is about 10 % lower than for CSP/RO  Contradiction to Literature

19 WP 1: Technologies CSP vs. other Renewables Task: 10 MW Firm Power Capacity for RO CSP+Storage: 10 MW installed, 10 % Fuel PV+Backup:20 MW installed, 75 % Fuel Wind+Backup:20 MW installed, 60 % Fuel

20 WP 1: Technologies Conclusions  Base load capability makes CSP best suited renewable source for large scale desalination  MSF is the least efficient desalination technology with high energy demand  CSP/MED and CSP/RO have similar technical and economic performance, no preference for either one can be seen without detailed site assessment  Linear Fresnel collector fields are particularly well suited for seawater desalination  Present cost of CSP desalination between 1 - 2 €/m³  Medium term cost of 0.2 - 0.3 €/m³ is achievable in combination with power generation and using solar energy storage  CSP technology is ready for the seawater desalination market

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