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Cohesion and Regional Innovation CG: “Horizons 2015: First Experiences, Emerging Expectations” V.Kalm, San Servolo 31.10.2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Cohesion and Regional Innovation CG: “Horizons 2015: First Experiences, Emerging Expectations” V.Kalm, San Servolo 31.10.2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cohesion and Regional Innovation CG: “Horizons 2015: First Experiences, Emerging Expectations” V.Kalm, San Servolo 31.10.2014

2 EU cohesion policy will make available up to EUR 351,8 billion This will be helped through targeting the European Regional Development Fund at key priorities such as support for small and medium-sized enterprises where the objective is to double support from EUR 70 to 140 billion over the 7 years. The European Commission has adopted 18 out of 28 Partnership Agreements

3 EU PRIORITIES IN REGIONAL INNOVATION (11) and top list of priority selections by regions (274): 1. Sustainable innovation.......................252 2. KET-s (Key Enabling Technologies)....250 3. Public health & security........................72 4. Digital agenda....................................149 5. Culture & creativity...............................73

4 RESEARCH AND INNOVATION CAPABILITIES: top list of selections by regions (274): 1. Manufacturing & industry....252 (EE – 3.) 2. ICT.......................................151 (EE – 1.) 3. Energy production..............119 4. Human health.......................96 (EE – 2.) 5. Services...............................88 Estonia’s selections: ICT, Human health, manufacturing & industry


6 Principles in applying Cohesion- and Regional Funds in Estonia: 1.Measures should be directly related to smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, and to Estonian strategy for R&D development 2.R&D and HE should be dealt together 3.Measures should support reforms in HE, including focusing of universities on their strong fields 4.Infrastructure investments will decrease and investments into human capital will proportionally increase 5.Number of measures should be decreased fom 40 to 10-11

7 Increasinginternationalcompetit i veness of Estonian R&D and participatingin pan-europeanresearchinitiatives 264.1 m€ Supporting research and higher education 359.2 m€ Increasing local socioeconomic impact of R&D and Smart Specialisation 95.1 m€ Measures to support the development of HE Linking studies and labor market needs 51 m€ Professional development of teachers and youth workers 24.6 m€ INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT programme 129.4 m€ INTERNATIONALISATION, mobility and new generations in research & HE 57.9 m€ Nationally important RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE 30.9 m€ CENTRES OF EXCELLENCE 41.2 m€ POPULARISATION OF SCIENCE 4.7 m€ PROFESSIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS in higher education 25.3 m€ R&D programs in SMART SPECIALISATION growth areas and SOCIOECONOMICALLY important areas 62.7 m€ R&D CAPACITY OF GOVERNMENT AGENCIES 7.1 m€ ENTREPRENEURSHIP TEACHING & STUDIES at every level of education 8.4 m€ PRACTICAL TRAINING SYSTEM in vocational & he 8.3 m€ development of TEACHING COMPETENCE centres 1.2 m€

8 INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM – 129,4 m€ Supported actions (amount and intensity chosen by the institution) STRUCTURAL CHANGES (merger of institutions, faculties, depts); FOCUSING - developing teaching and research quality to strengthen the AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY (including equipment, buildings) Developing DOCTORAL SCHOOLS (with the requirement to secure collaboration between institutions) Development of INTERNATIONAL & JOINT CURRICULA Expansion of BUSINESS COOPERATION and transfer of knowledge & technology

9 Quantitative targets and indicators to be tracked in target programmes and action plans in 2014-2020: 300 PhD degrees awarded in a year (2012 = 190) 1600 TR WoS referred research publications per mil citizens (2012 = 1191) 40% of state budget funds for R&D are allocated for studying important socio-economic problems (2011 = 30%) R&D investments from private sector will make 7% of relevant investments from public funds (2011 = 3,1%)

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