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Successor to the Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation HRB and Department of Health Consultation Workshop 11 March 2015 Dermot Curran Assistant.

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Presentation on theme: "Successor to the Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation HRB and Department of Health Consultation Workshop 11 March 2015 Dermot Curran Assistant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Successor to the Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation HRB and Department of Health Consultation Workshop 11 March 2015 Dermot Curran Assistant Secretary General Department of Jobs, Enterprise & Innovation 1

2 Need for a successor to the Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation o Existing Science, Technology and Innovation strategy expired end 2013 o Copper fasten research prioritisation and jobs focus as the central plank of public research funding policy o Help establish and communicate a vision and a medium / longer term perspective o Provide a wider context to address research for knowledge and for policy o Use as an opportunity for technology foresight - ensure opportunities not being missed o Bring Innovation back on the agenda 2

3 o Will integrate with suite of policies already set down or under development eg: o Action Plan for Jobs o Enterprise Policy 2025 o Foreign Direct Investment Policy o Entrepreneurship Strategy o EU Horizon 2020 Strategy Integration with existing policies 3

4 o Maximise the economic impact of public support for research and innovation to enterprise, both indigenous and foreign-owned o Sustain an excellent, internationally-oriented public research system that generates knowledge for economic and societal benefit; and o Maximise knowledge exchange between public and private actors in order to accelerate the exploitation of new knowledge 4 Guiding Principles

5 1.Investment in Science, Technology and Innovation and key goals/ targets 2.Prioritised Approach to Public Research Funding 3.Enterprise-level R&D and Innovation Performance 4.International collaboration and engagement 5.Organisational/institutional arrangements to enhance research excellence and deliver jobs 6.World class IP regime and dynamic systems to transfer Knowledge and Technology into jobs 7.Government wide goals on innovation in key sectors for job creation and societal benefit 8.Research for knowledge and the development of human capital Areas being considered for Strategy

6 o Independent Assessment of Research Prioritisation o Study into Optimising Policy Intervention to Strengthen the Impacts of Enterprise RD&I in Ireland o Study into Medium Term Development of the Irish Market Focussed Element of the Irish Research Centre Landscape Ecosystem o Study Examining Ireland’s Participation in International Organisations with a Research/ Innovation theme o Assessment of Ireland’s future research infrastructure needs o Review of Technology Transfer Strengthening Initiative/IP Protocol/ o Evaluation of Ireland’s involvement in the European Space Agency Examples of Relevant Studies feeding into new Strategy

7 o Sectoral Strategies e.g. o Healthy Ireland; eHealth Strategy; Smart Ageing o Food Harvest 2020 o Marine Strategic Research and Innovation Strategy o Future Funding of the Higher Education System o Review of STEM education Further Strategies/studies informing the new Strategy

8 o Interdepartmental Committee (IDC) on Science, Technology and Innovation has been convened o Consultation Process went live on Friday 13th February with closing date Monday 23rd March o Consultation document incorporating key questions issued to stakeholders o IDC members engaging with their stakeholders o 1 Day Consultative Workshop will be organised to address questions emerging from the written consultation Consultative Process for New Strategy

9 Main Government Departments/agencies spend on R&D Funding Department/Agency2014 (est) €m% of Total Higher Education Authority (HEA)176.524.4% Science Foundation Ireland153.521.2% Enterprise Ireland103.114.2% Teagasc59.18.2% IDA Ireland60.08.3% Health Research Board40.25.7% Irish Research Council31.44.3% Dept. of Agriculture, Food and the Marine26.13.6% Dept. of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation21.63.0% Environmental Protection Agency8.41.2% Marine Institute8.01.1% Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland8.61.2% Others27.23.8% Total€723.7m100%

10 10 State Expenditure on R&D by Government Department

11 R&D performed in Government Departments and agencies

12 o What contribution to our societal and economic wellbeing is expected from Exchequer-funded health research? :  The HRB Strategic Business Plan sets out two main goals:  Driving the development of excellent clinical research, including applied biomedical research, within a coherent health research system.  Building capacity to conduct high-quality population health sciences research and health services research. o To what end? o Societal benefit: Research to support policy / operational improvements in the health area. o Economic growth: Five of the priority areas under research prioritisation are health related: Diagnostics, Therapeutics, Medical Devices, Connected Health, Food for Health. o Collaboration - including with private sector - is key to both outcomes. Contribution of Health Research

13  Healthy Ireland – interventions to improve health and wellbeing  eHealth Strategy for Ireland – critical enabler of best practice health systems  Smart Ageing – enabling older people to enjoy physical and mental health and wellbeing to full potential  National Health Innovation Hub - facilitating engagement between enterprise and the health system  Regulatory Framework – provides opportunities and support for research system How should health related research be reflected in a new Science and Innovation Strategy ?

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