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Nísia Trindade Lima Oswaldo Cruz Foundation | Fiocruz Vice President of Education, Information and Communication Portugal | April, 2015 Research Assessment.

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Presentation on theme: "Nísia Trindade Lima Oswaldo Cruz Foundation | Fiocruz Vice President of Education, Information and Communication Portugal | April, 2015 Research Assessment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nísia Trindade Lima Oswaldo Cruz Foundation | Fiocruz Vice President of Education, Information and Communication Portugal | April, 2015 Research Assessment Reflections as per the Brazilian Experience

2 Science rankings

3 Evaluation of scientific research: deep transformations In the last four decades, the evaluation of scientific research has undergone deep transformations. Essentially, a number of citation- based quantitative indicators emerged in the wake of a new bibliographic tool – the Science Citation Index (SCI) – invented by Eugene Garfield.

4 Scientific output: quality assessment or an accountant´s tale? Kenneth Rochel de Camargo Jr. Debate in Reports in Public Health

5 Relevant role National Plan of Graduate Studies (2010-2020) In the case of journals evaluation that provides different degrees in the distinct areas of knowledge, demotivating thus the exercise of interdisciplinarity. And yet, as it privileges the quantitative indicators and scientific publication. Recognizes the need of changes in the system, proposes the adequacy of the assessment methodology to new tendencies (to aggregate indicators of social and technologic productivity to the mainly academic criteria already existing) and also the concept review that chairs the cut of the areas, ceding some space to multidisciplinary considerations. Commitment to the disclosure of the research outcomes, of internationalization and overcoming of the endogenous evaluation in the national publications. Distortions Postgraduate system: to deepen the debate and appoint new parameters for the evaluation is a task imposed to all of us

6 Building national scientific communities as an instrument of modernization and national development has been a constant theme in Latin America, but the implementation of citation-based evaluation policies has tended to work against development. ” “ Hebe Vessuri, anthropologist Excellence, quality and internationalization

7 The Policy on Open Acess to Knowledge Institutional Repository Arca Portal of Scientific Journals Observatory in Science, Technology and Innovation Fiocruz initiatives

8 Policy on Open Acess to Knowledge: Experience Analysis of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation Paula Xavier dos Santos, Ana Cristina da Matta Furniel, Paulo Cezar Vieira Guanaes, Rosane Mendes da Silva, Manoel Barral Netto, Umberto Trigueiros Lima, Nísia Trindade Lima Fiocruz Policy on Open Acess to Knowledge and Institutional Repository Arca _trad.pdf

9 Portal of Scientific Journals

10 About the Portal of Scientific Journals The development of initiatives, platforms and institutional services for publication of journals and books in open access is one of the forms which have been increasingly explored worldwide, to create a sustainable model for the scientific publication not based on high publication fees. When launching the Portal of Scientific Journals, adding up to the repository and to the open access institutional policy, Fiocruz places itself in the vanguard of the institutions that promote the open access. And more: contributes for this transition to be made in a sustainable form and in accordance to the interests of the researchers and the institutions. ” “ Eloy Rodrigues, scientific and technical coordinator of the project Scientific Repository of Portugal in Open Access

11 Observatory of Research, Technological Development and Innovation The Observatory comprises indicators and both quantitative metrics and qualitative analyses over the scientific research and technological development performed in Fiocruz. The indicators are organized in 7 different categories: 1. Demographic of researchers community 2. Bibliometric of scientific production 3. Technological development and innovation 4. Collaboration networks 5. Metrics of the presence in the web 6. Social impact 7. Learning

12 THANK YOU Nísia Trindade Lima Fiocruz Vice-President of Education, Information and Communication |

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