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Heat Engines Heat Engines. Heat Engine cycles. Carnot cycle. Refrigerators & Air conditioners. Heat Pumps. 2 nd Law considerations. Entropy.

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Presentation on theme: "Heat Engines Heat Engines. Heat Engine cycles. Carnot cycle. Refrigerators & Air conditioners. Heat Pumps. 2 nd Law considerations. Entropy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heat Engines Heat Engines. Heat Engine cycles. Carnot cycle. Refrigerators & Air conditioners. Heat Pumps. 2 nd Law considerations. Entropy.

2 Heat engines Examples of Heat Engines – Steam engine – Coal plant – Nuclear plant – Automobile – Jet engine Each of these has – Hot source – Cold exhaust – Pathway from hot to cold that provides mechanical work Expanding piston steam engine, car engine Pressure difference across turbine blade

3 Heat Engines 1 Pathway from hot to cold that provides mechanical work – Expanding piston steam engine. – Pressure difference across turbine blade.

4 Heat Engines 2 Pathway from hot to cold that provides mechanical work – Expanding piston car engine. – Hot reservoir inside engine, cold reservoir tailpipe – “Internal combustion” engine.

5 Heat Engine Animations Otto Cycle (automobile) Otto Cycle (automobile)

6 Energy flow and efficiency

7 Efficiency Example

8 “Everything” problem – getting efficiency ΔUΔUWorkQ a -> b+6000 J+4000 J10000 J b -> c-4500 J0 J-4500 J c -> d-3000 J-2000 J-5000 J d -> a+1500 J0 J1500 J entire cycle0 J2000 J

9 Carnot cycle – most efficient cycle

10 Carnot cycle animation Note cycle bounded by upper and lower isotherms (red/blue) and left and right adiabats (green)

11 Carnot cycle examples

12 Refrigeration Basic Operation 1.Compress gas to high temperature/pressure 2.Cool and liquefy at high pressure (Q out) 3.Expand gas to low temperature/pressure 4.Warm and evaporate at low pressure (Q in) Thermodynamic cycle running backwards.

13 Forward and reverse Carnot cycle Forward Carnot cycle (heat engine) Q H in Work, Q L out Clockwise cycle Reverse Carnot cycle (refrigeration) Work, Q L in Q H out Counterclockwise cycle

14 Forward and reverse Carnot animation Forward animation (heat engine) Reverse animation (refrigeration)

15 Efficiency, Coefficient of Performance

16 Example 15-13

17 Heat Pump - Problem 32

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