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WRF Verification: New Methods of Evaluating Rainfall Prediction Chris Davis NCAR (MMM/RAP) Collaborators: Dave Ahijevych, Mike Baldwin, Barb Brown, Randy.

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Presentation on theme: "WRF Verification: New Methods of Evaluating Rainfall Prediction Chris Davis NCAR (MMM/RAP) Collaborators: Dave Ahijevych, Mike Baldwin, Barb Brown, Randy."— Presentation transcript:

1 WRF Verification: New Methods of Evaluating Rainfall Prediction Chris Davis NCAR (MMM/RAP) Collaborators: Dave Ahijevych, Mike Baldwin, Barb Brown, Randy Bullock, Jennifer Mahoney, Kevin Manning, Rebecca Morss, Stan Trier, John Tuttle and Wei Wang

2 WRF Verification Effort  Case studies  Real-time forecasts  Extended-period case studies  Idealized tests of physical parameterizations  Application of new verification methods

3 Objectives of New Verification Methods  Reduce dimension of verification problem  Make statistics sensitive to error magnitude  Address and target fundamental processes in models  Provide useful feedback to developers and users  Make automated, yet insightful

4 00 Z 12 Z 110 W102 W94 W86 W78 W “Standard”: 102-110 W “Out of phase”:96-102 W Semidiurnal: 92-96 W Mainly Diurnal: 78-92 W Daily Cycle of Rainfall (Echo Frequency)

5 Diurnal Rainfall Signatures in NWP models Models: Method:  NCEP Eta: hydrostatic, 22-km, 50 levels, eta (step-mountain) coordinate, two-phase ice, Betts-Miller-Janjic cumulus scheme, MYJ boundary layer, OSU land surface model. Two 48-h forecasts per day.  Weather Research and Forecast Model (WRF): nonhydrostatic, 22- km, 28 levels, height-coordinate, two-phase ice, Betts-Miller-Janjic cumulus scheme, MRF boundary layer, slab surface model. Two 48-h forecasts per day.  Compile 3-hourly precipitation forecasts and analyses for July and August 2001.  Analyze all data to common 10-km grid.  Average precipitation from 30 N – 45 N.  Assume “echo” is averaged 3-h rainfall > 0.1 mm.

6 00Z Eta 12-36 h 12Z Eta 12-36 h 00Z WRF 12-36 h 12Z WRF 12-36 h GMT Stage IV GMT Longitude Diurnal Hovmoller Diagrams: 22-km Eta and WRF ?

7 Diurnal Hovmoller Diagrams: 10-km WRF

8 An Example of Rainfall Prediction Errors Left: 24-42 h forecasts from WRF model Right: Observations from NCEP analysis Gray: 40% echo freq. from 4-year climatology 110 W78 W

9 Time-Latitude Diagrams August, 2001 30 N45 N30 N45 N Stage IV WRF Latitude

10 OF OF OFO F In all cases: POD=0, FAR=1, CSI=0 What does CSI=0 (or ETS=0) mean to you?

11 A Proposed Approach (based somewhat on Ebert and McBride) –Define precipitation/convective objects and shapes –Diagnose errors in location, shape, orientation, size, timing, etc. –Characterize basic attributes of precipitation/convection within objects: intensity, density, etc. –In parallel: Investigate user issues

12 Defining objects Original Convolved Thresholded WRF forecasts from 10-km grid

13 Fitting shapes: Reduce objects to small number of parameters



16 Summary and Issues  Large NWP-model errors (WRF, Eta) in the diurnal and propagating aspects of warm-season rainfall  Better representation of latitude of rainfall than longitude  Do we need cloud-resolving grids to capture properly? Rainfall Statistics

17  Method yields errors on location (x,y,t), size and orientation of rain areas and allows partitioning of areas with similar attributes  PDFs of rainfall intensity are evaluated: appropriate for application to inherently stochastic processes  How will this improve models more readily than “traditional” methods (ETS, bias)? Rain-area Verification Intensity PDF contains more information than bias: strongly tied to cumulus and/or cloud physics schemes Systematic shape errors could indicate problems in identifying modes of organized convection Systematic timing/location errors could point to errors in treating diurnal and orographic effects Summary and Issues (continued)

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