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Toby Johnson, AEIDL, 28 January 2015. SEN’s 18 good practices recommendations Trento, September 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Toby Johnson, AEIDL, 28 January 2015. SEN’s 18 good practices recommendations Trento, September 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Toby Johnson, AEIDL, 28 January 2015

2 SEN’s 18 good practices recommendations Trento, September 2013

3 SEN’s 18 good practices recommendations

4 15 key recommendations

5 Inside government Policy co-ordination Vertical coherence Stakeholder partnerships Visibility Impact measurement Legal and fiscal frameworks Public procurement Research

6 On the ground Entrepreneurship education Braided support Tailored support for start-up and growth Leadership training Consortia and social franchising Social innovation Finance

7 1st lesson – strategic partnership and policy co-ordination

8 Policy co-ordination Social enterprises have an impact that transcends conventional policy pillars (economic, social, local development). Ensure policy coherence by establishing a cross-departmental co-ordinating body. Working Group for Systemic Solutions (PL) Social enterprise strategy (SC)

9 Stakeholder partnership Develop and implement policy for social enterprise through stakeholder partnerships with the representative organisations of social enterprises and with the ecosystem of support. Intervento 18 (Trento, IT) Low Moss Public Social Partnership (SC)

10 ESIFs – Partnership is not optional Code of conduct: partners should be representative transparent selection involved in the preparation and implementation of the Partnership Agreement and programmes on monitoring committees capacity building, exchange of experience and mutual learning subject to assessment

11 2nd lesson – visibility and identity

12 3 rd lesson – Consortia & social franchising

13 4th lesson – mixed finance

14 Finance Combine different types of tools (grant, loan, guarantee etc.) Multiple sources (public, ESF, ERDF) Growing emphasis on private and social economy financial institutions Accompanied by business support Global grants (CZ) ESFund/TISE (PL) Mikrofonden Väst (SE) Social impact bond (EN)

15 5 th lesson – braided support 2 levels: mainstream business advisers a specialist support infrastructure, well linked to existing federal and support bodies of the social economy Enterprising Together! (FI)

16 6 th lesson – Procurement for quality Socially responsible public procurement: smaller contract size social clauses Guidance and training: for procurement officials tender-readiness for social enterprises Guidelines for Social Clauses (BE) Social Value Act (EN) Steps to Success (EN)

17 ESIFs – specific priorities ESF investment priority b(v): Promoting social entrepreneurship and vocational integration in social enterprises and the social and solidarity economy in order to facilitate access to employment ERDF investment priority 9(c): Providing support for social enterprises

18 ESF d(1) – institutional capacity governance & policy co-ordination partnerships, pacts social impact measurement socially responsible public procurement ESF d(ii) – capacity building for stakeholders, sectoral pacts consortium-building tender-readiness

19 ESF a(iii) – self-employment, entrepreneurship & business creation ESF c(iii) & (iv) – access to lifelong learning, labour market relevance of education & training systems etc. support infrastructure training mentoring peer learning tender readiness

20 ERDF 1(a & b) – RTD & innovation partnerships, pacts impact measurement ERDF 8(d) – infrastructure for public employment services partnerships, pacts consortia

21 ESF art. 9 – social innovation ESF art. 10 – transnationality evidence base research impact measurement pacts

22 Thank you!

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