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Fossil Fuels and Nuclear Energy.  1. Fossil Fuel-Fuels made from once living organic material. a. Coal b. Oil c. Natural Gas.

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Presentation on theme: "Fossil Fuels and Nuclear Energy.  1. Fossil Fuel-Fuels made from once living organic material. a. Coal b. Oil c. Natural Gas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fossil Fuels and Nuclear Energy

2  1. Fossil Fuel-Fuels made from once living organic material. a. Coal b. Oil c. Natural Gas

3  Over 1, 000,000,000 tons burned in US each year

4 The U.S. used 6.8 Billion barrels of oil in 2013.

5 The U.S production of natural gas is 681 billion cubic meters/year.

6  2. Main Use Categories of Energy Use a. Transportation b. Manufacturing c. Cooking d. Heating and Cooling e. To run Machines and Appliances

7  1. Why convert? a. To make electricity b. Electricity is easier to use to run machines, appliances, and heat homes. c. Imagine trying to run your car or computer on coal


9  2. Coal-Fired Electricity Generation a. Coal is burned in huge boilers b. Boiler heats water to steam c. High pressure steam turns a turbine (spinning wheel with fins) d. Turbine turns a generator

10 e. Generator creates electric current f. Electricity is transmitted over power line to homes

11  1. General Ideas a. Developed countries use more energy than developing b. Canada and the US use nearly double what other countries use

12  2. General Ideas c. We use more because we move people, materials and goods by truck or personal vehicle d. Japan and other use trains and mass transport to move the same items.


14  1. Coal a. Massive swamps produced vegetation that was then covered by seas and deposits. b. Process repeated many times c. Weight, pressure and heat of layers created the coal


16  2. Oil a. Massive deposits of microscopic marine life dies and sank b. Process repeated many times c. Weight, pressure and heat of layers created the oil by a chemical change


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