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Rural Development Programme 2014 – 2020 Local Government Practioners Workshop 12 th February Lorraine Lynas RDP Managing Authority.

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Presentation on theme: "Rural Development Programme 2014 – 2020 Local Government Practioners Workshop 12 th February Lorraine Lynas RDP Managing Authority."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rural Development Programme 2014 – 2020 Local Government Practioners Workshop 12 th February Lorraine Lynas RDP Managing Authority

2 Aim Strategic context / direction of Rural Development Proposals. Current stage of programme development. Delivery Mechanisms – current and future programme. Challenges ahead.

3 Programme Objectives Smart Growth Competitiveness of agriculture Currently Axis 1 Sustainable Growth Sustainable management of natural resources Currently Axis 2 Inclusive Growth Balanced territorial development of rural areas Currently Axis 3/4

4 Relationship with other funds EAFRD EU Structural Funds Pillar 1 - Direct Payments Land Based Schemes Rural Schemes

5 Rural Development Proposals Six Union priorities for rural development. ―Knowledge transfer and innovation (cross cutting), ―Farm competitiveness and risk management, ―Food chain organisation, ―Restoring and enhancing ecosystems, ―Promoting resource efficiency, ―Social inclusion, poverty reduction and rural economic development. Twenty three measures.

6 Priority 2 – Enhancing competitiveness of all types of agriculture and enhancing farm viability. Aim – Our aim is to promote the sustainable growth of the agriculture industry through; Peer learning in targeted business development groups. Two tier capital grant scheme. Technology transfer demonstration farms. Generational renewal of the farming industry.

7 Priority 3 – Promoting food chain organisation and risk management in agriculture. Aim – Our aim is to promote the sustainable growth of the agri-food industry through support for; Producer groups. Logistics and distribution, short supply chains. Processing and marketing grant scheme. Leadership training and mentoring.

8 Priority 4 – Preserving and enhancing ecosystems. Aim – Our aim is to restore and preserve biodiversity and improve soil management through support for; Areas of natural constraint. Agri-environment programme. Woodland expansion and forestry plantation. Organic farming scheme.

9 Priority 5 – Promoting resource efficiency and a low- carbon and climate resilient economy in the agriculture, food and forestry sectors. Aim – Our aim is to increase the efficiency of energy use, reduce nitrous oxide and methane emissions and foster carbon sequestration through support for; Manure efficiency technology scheme. Nutrient efficiency scheme. Biomass processing challenge fund. Forest management.

10 Priority 6 – Promoting social inclusion, poverty reduction and economic development in rural areas. Aim – Our aim is to facilitate diversification, business and job creation and to foster local development in rural areas through support for; Farm diversification and rural business support. Small scale tourism infrastructure. Improvement of basic services. Village renewal. Renewable energy. Cultural heritage.

11 Current RDP Method of Delivery RDP DARD direct Delivery 73% Leader 19% Delivery Agent 6% Other Departments 2%

12 LEADER Compulsory – 5% minimum spend. Can be co-ordinated with other European Funds. Local development strategies. Co-operation activities. Particular focus on Priority 6 – Social inclusion, poverty reduction and economic development in rural areas. Running costs and animation capped at 25%.

13 LEADER Review Aim: To review the Methodology of LEADER in NI to include:- –Examine long term economic and social impact since 1994, –Value for money of LEADER approach in NI in comparison to other rural development interventions, –Identify best practice from other regions, –Identify lessons learnt from previous LEADER models. Report Availability: Final review document published late March/early April. Next Steps: Conclusions and recommendations to help inform the delivery mechanisms of the new RDP.

14 Key Challenges for Programme Development Drafting without knowing regulation requirements. Funding available for Pillar 2. Balance of funding between themes, prioritisation. Joined up approach for all EU funds Method of delivery. Review of Public Administration (RPA). Possible delay in agreement of regulations.

15 Thank you

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