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+44 7710 039337 Advancing Sustainability LLP Chris Tuppen.

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Presentation on theme: "+44 7710 039337 Advancing Sustainability LLP Chris Tuppen."— Presentation transcript:

1 +44 7710 039337 Advancing Sustainability LLP Chris Tuppen

2 Advancing Sustainability LLP

3 Source: IEA Energy Technology Perspectives, 2010

4 Advancing Sustainability LLP  20% reduction in CO 2 (against 1990 levels)  20% of energy from renewables  20% energy efficiency “the EU will achieve only half of the 20 % [energy efficiency] target in 2020” COM(2011) 370 Proposal for a Directive on Energy Efficiency

5 Advancing Sustainability LLP  Cut energy consumption per unit of economic growth by 16 percent  Reduce carbon dioxide emissions per unit of economic growth by 17 percent  Increase the use of non-fossil fuels from 8.3 percent in 2010 to 11.4 percent China’s Long Term Target Reduce carbon intensity by 40 to 45 percent by 2020 from 2005 levels while GDP continues to grow at 7-8% pa

6 Advancing Sustainability LLP Climate Change ICT Economy Energy Power Buildings Transport Data ALIGN-O-METER

7 Advancing Sustainability LLP SMART GRID Image: Pixomar / Source: World Bank 2009 Middle Class Consumers Peak Oil Decarbonisation UK proposed carbon floor price Europe needs to spend € 1 trillion on its energy infrastructure over the next decade. EC Communication, Energy 2020: A strategy for competitive, sustainable and secure energy Essential Investment Image: Savit Keawtavee / ALIGN-O-METER

8 Advancing Sustainability LLP Goldman Sachs estimates smart grids will be a $750 billion [total]global market for equipment makers., Sept 2010 Cumulative global investment in smart grids … will approach $46 billion by 2015. China's smart meter boom will lead to 1billion [global] installations by 2020 ALIGN-O-METER

9 Advancing Sustainability LLP Energy Costs UK Electricity Market Reform Consultation, Dec 2010 3% of total floor area of publicly owned buildings over 250m 2 renovated annually to minimum energy performance requirements set in current building regulations. Published inventory of energy performance of publicly owned buildings. Independent energy audit for large companies by 30 June 2014 and every three years thereafter. Promote the availability of energy audits and encourage SMES and households to undergo an audit. Regulation COM(2011) 370 Proposal for a Directive on Energy Efficiency Demand management Distributed Renewables Smart Grid Source: Arup SMART BUILDINGS ALIGN-O-METER

10 Advancing Sustainability LLP IDC predicts the global market for smart building systems will grow at a rate of 26.6% per year to reach a $10.2b market in 2015. ALIGN-O-METER homescommercial

11 Advancing Sustainability LLP Congestion Decarbonisation Image: Paul Martin Eldridge / Peak Oil Urbanisation UN World Population Prospects, 2008 SMART TRANSPORT ALIGN-O-METER

12 Advancing Sustainability LLP Source: Intelligent Transportation Society of America, August 2011 ALIGN-O-METER

13 Advancing Sustainability LLP SMART GRID SMART TRANSPORT data optimisation city dashboardapps creation SMART BUILDINGS ALIGN-O-METER

14 Advancing Sustainability LLP New ways of thinking Engineers, planners, architects etc have often not been trained to consider ICT solutions to their problems. Breaking down the silos ICT solutions often require a more holistic approach. Business Case There is very little publicly available hard business case data available at an individual project level. Too much dependency on volatile public funding. Retrofit It’s often difficult to retrofit smart solutions into existing buildings, systems and infrastructure. Standards A lack of agreed technical standards is delaying the implementation of smart technologies.

15 Standards are Essential Features Upgradeability Privacy Security Protocols for loosely coupled databases: access metadata internet web services Open access Privacy Commercial Confidentiality Rio de Janeiro Operations Centre monitoring transport, water, weather and energy.

16 Advancing Sustainability LLP  Improving alignment but still a way to go  Smart Grids lead the way  Initial focus on large smart buildings  Smart transport integral to efficient cities  Smart data behind C21city management  Systems thinking with open source data  Standards are essential Energy, Economy, ICT and Climate Change

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