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Soybeans: An Alternative Energy Source By Jared Smith and Sabra Warren.

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Presentation on theme: "Soybeans: An Alternative Energy Source By Jared Smith and Sabra Warren."— Presentation transcript:

1 Soybeans: An Alternative Energy Source By Jared Smith and Sabra Warren

2 Overview Purpose Soybean Usage Soybean Biofuel Information Growth Conditions – Water Requirements – Soil Conditions Potential New York State Soybean Growing Locations Potential Biofuel Production

3 Purpose To determine suitable locations for growing soybeans in NY Soybeans will be used for the production of biofuel Used Arc Map for analysis of possible growing locations and potential yield

4 Current Uses of Soybeans World’s most widely used editable oil According to USDA Economic Research Service, soybean oil represents 71.3% of U.S. fats and oils consumption Feed & Animal Food (77%) Salad / Cooling Oil (11%) Baking / Frying Fats (6%) Biodiesel (3%) Margarine (1%) Human Food Protein (1%) Other (1%) Source (5,4)


6 Soy as Biodiesel Biofuel - non-petroleum based alternative fuels Plants: Corn, Soy, Hemp, Switch Grass One bushel of soybeans produces about 1.5 gallons of biodiesel Produced in simple refining process - trans esterification. Mix methanol with sodium hydroxide into solution Mixing solution with soybean oil Final products: Methyl Esters (Biodiesel) and glycerin Positive energy balance of 3:1 Ester-based feedstock Low-energy requirements of conversion process Nitrogen-fixing characteristics of soybeans Returns 93 percent more energy than is used to produce it Corn grain ethanol provides only 25 percent more energy Source (2)

7 Benefits of Soybeans as Biofuel Soybean biodiesel uses only soybean oil 80% of the plant remains for animal and human consumption Only 3% of domestically consumed soybean crop needed for biofuel Ethanol requires ~20%) Eliminates emission of sulfur oxides and sulfates: components of acid rain Reduces CO2 emissions by up to 78% Biodiesel is biodegradable and nontoxic when used in its pure form (B100) Source (3)

8 Growing Requirements Water: Yields between 40 to 50 bushels/acre Requires 20 to 25 inches of soil moisture (rainfall) Produces approximately 2 bushels/acre for every inch of water used Soil: Fertile and well drained pH of 6.5 or higher No sand or gravel Best results on: sandy silt loams silt loams clay silt loams Source (1,6)

9 General Soybean Growth and Water Use Crop DevelopmentWater Use (in/day) Germination and seeding0.05 - 0.10 Rapid vegetative growth0.10 - 0.20 Flowering to pod fill0.20 - 0.30 Maturity to harvest0.05 - 0.20 Water requirements vary depending on development period The length of the total growing period is 100 to 130 days or more Source (6)




13 Select Locations map

14 Potential Biodiesel Output From Select Locations 21,577,849 acres of suitable land 766,376 acres of current soybean crops Average rainfall: 34.8 inches Potentially 69.6 bushels per acre yield Yield dependent on other growing conditions, and amount of land planted Potentially 1,448,478,521 bushels total yield Would produce 2,172,717,781 gallons of biofuel per growing season

15 Environmental Benefits New York Oil Consumption: 12.9 Trillion gallons per year Soybeans provide 2.17 Trillion gallons per year OR 16.8% of New York’s Annual Oil Consumption Carbon Dioxide Reduction: 12.9 Trillion gallons = 172 Quadrillion kg CO 2 2.17 Trillion gallons = 28.9 Quadrillion kg CO 2 less OR 16.8% less CO 2 Global Warming Implications: 172 Quadrillion kg CO 2 = 0.005 °C 28.9 Quadrillion kg CO 2 less = 0.0009 °C less OR 16.8% less temperature increase

16 Conclusion Soybean production to biofuels is a profitable resource with environmentally friendly benefits NY State has the potential to grow and produce soybean biofuel to significantly offset fossil fuel demand The use of Arc Map enhances the ability for such analysis to be done

17 Thank You! Questions?

18 Bibliography Source (1) Cox, William J.. “Fact Sheet #1 in a Series on Soybeans.” Northern New York Agricultural Development Program. April 2004. 17 April 2011.. Source (2) Inside Indiana Business. “Soybean Processing, Biofuels Plant Opens in Northern Indiana.” Claypool. 2007. 17 April 2011.. Source (3) Iowa State University. “Soybean Uses.” Soybean Extension of Research Program. 2011. 17 April 2011.. Source (4) Soy Connection. “Soybean Oil Overview.” Soybean Oil. 2011. 17 April, 2011.. Source (5) United Soybean Board. “Food and Fuel: Meeting the Challenges of Feeding the World and Creating Renewable Fuels.” Food Versus Fuel: The Debate. 2009. 17 April, 2011.. Source (6) University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture. “Soil and Water Management Soybeans – Crop Irrigation.” Cooperative Extension Service. 2006. 17 April 2011.. Source (7) University of Minnesota. “Soybean biodiesel has higher net energy benefit than corn ethanol.” Mongabay. July 11, 2006. 17 April 2011..

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