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By Matthew Lee Chen 8Thetford.  From recent research, I suggest that the UK should implement hydraulic fracturing to extract natural gas. I think that.

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Presentation on theme: "By Matthew Lee Chen 8Thetford.  From recent research, I suggest that the UK should implement hydraulic fracturing to extract natural gas. I think that."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Matthew Lee Chen 8Thetford

2  From recent research, I suggest that the UK should implement hydraulic fracturing to extract natural gas. I think that it is the most efficient way to quickly source natural gas. Also, I think that this is most effective because the UK has a plentiful amount of natural gas below the ground surface, so by extracting it, the country becomes more self reliant and does not require to purchase oil from other countries. Costs to install the hydraulic fracturing are considerably high but in my opinion, the country will gain more from this.

3  Also, for oil supplies, I suggest that the UK should purchase oil from foreign suppliers such as Saudi Arabia and Iran due to a lack of oil in the UK as well as the fact that oil in Saudi Arabia and Iran is considerably cheaper than elsewhere. The UK does not have enough oil reserves to supply itself, so it is important for the country’s economy and to attempt to avoid recession for the UK to continue to purchase the majority of its oil from Saudi Arabia and other cheap suppliers.

4  I would suggest the UK to also use biofuel because it is one of the most efficient sources of renewable energy and is very important for country’s in the future especially since oil and natural gas is becoming rare and rare and eventually, prices of these rarer resources will increase rapidly. Biofuel can be produced in the UK by growing enough plants, and because the UK has a relatively large area of “spare land”, this can be used as places to supply biofuel to the country.

5  I do not think the UK would benefit significantly from energy resources such as solar energy, hydroelectric energy or geothermal energy because the supplies for those renewable energy resources are very limited and scarce. For example, for solar energy to be implemented and make a significant impact on the country, the hours of sunshine on an average day would have to be relatively high and also there would have to be a considerable amount of underground heat for geothermal energy to be effective.

6  My suggestions for Saudi Arabia is to continue exporting oil because oil is one of the main reasons that Saudi Arabia has a relatively well maintained and supplied economy. By exporting oil, the country receives money from purchasers, and also can supply themselves with the oil that they produce. If they weren’t to export their oil, they wouldn’t be as wealthy as now, because exporting oil is one of the main factors which leads to their wealth.

7  Saudi Arabia should continue to export oil, but for themselves, should resort to solar power which is both available in Saudi Arabia as well as a more long-term and efficient solution to the continually reducing amount of oil. By converting to solar power, it is both good for the environment, the economy and social concerns. For example, Saudi Arabia has high hours of sunshine on an average day enabling it to have solar power and earn more than the spending costs of installing a wide range of solar energy.

8  Saudi Arabia could use geothermal energy because the temperature below ground is hotter than in most other countries and can be used for a considerable amount of geothermal energy usage and production due to this.

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