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What potential has Japan for using geothermal energy? 11780096 Mikiya Nagashima.

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Presentation on theme: "What potential has Japan for using geothermal energy? 11780096 Mikiya Nagashima."— Presentation transcript:

1 What potential has Japan for using geothermal energy? 11780096 Mikiya Nagashima

2 The principle of geothermal power generation

3 Geothermal power plant in Japan

4 Total capacity of geothermal power Country Capacity (MW) percentage of national production(%) USA3,0860.3 Philippines1,90427 Indonesia1,1973.7 Mexico9583 Italy8431.5 New Zealand62810 Iceland57530 Japan5360.1 Data of 2010 eighth

5 Geothermal reserves countryactive volcano geothermal reserves (MWe) Indonesia15027,791 USA13323,000 Japan10020,540 Philippines536,000 Mexico356,000 Iceland335,800 New Zealand193,650 Italy143,267 third



8 In future Geothermal energy is a very attractive. But this is bristle with issue. In fact we should be moving across the country.

9 Thank you for listening.


11 NameAuthorized OutputMore Information? 1Mori50,000kW 2Ohnuma9,500kWZhouping's page 3Sumikawa50,000kWTohoku Electric Power 4Matsukawa23,500kWZhouping's page 5Kakkonda1st=50,000kW, 2nd=30,000kWTohoku Electric Power 6Uenotai27,500kWTohoku Electric Power 7Onikoube12,500kW 8Yanaizu-Nishiyama65,000kWTohoku Electric Power 9Hachijo-jima3,300kWTokyo Electric Power 10Suginoi3,000kW 11Takigami25,000kW 12Ohtake12,500kWZhouping's page 13Hacchobaru1st=55,000kW, 2nd=55,000kWKyushu Electric Power 14OguniUnder construction Electric Power Development 15Kirishima Kokusai Hotel100kW 16Ohgiri30,000kW 17Yamagawa30,000kWKyushu Electric Power

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