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AIM: Describe the origin of an earthquake, types of seismic waves and how earthquakes are measured and their epicenter located? OBJ: Given notes and activity.

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Presentation on theme: "AIM: Describe the origin of an earthquake, types of seismic waves and how earthquakes are measured and their epicenter located? OBJ: Given notes and activity."— Presentation transcript:

1 AIM: Describe the origin of an earthquake, types of seismic waves and how earthquakes are measured and their epicenter located? OBJ: Given notes and activity sheet SWBAT describe the origin of an earthquake, types of seismic waves and how earthquakes are measured and their epicenter located with 70% accuracy. DN: HW Check- Forces in Earth’s Crust Act. Sheet ACT: Introduction to earthquake anatomy, types of seismic waves, measuring and locating the epicenter of an earthquake. Watch Nova Video (14 min): HW: Work on Tectonics Activity Sheet; Tectonics Exam, Friday, Feb. 13.

2 EARTHQUAKE ANATOMY Earthquake: shaking of Earth’s surface due to movement of rock along a fault. This movement comes from the release of stress occurring within rocks of the tectonic plates. Focus: the location beneath Earth’s surface (~ 100 km depth) where rock that is under stress breaks; earthquake (P- & S-wave) origin. Epicenter: location on the Earth’s surface directly above the focus

3 Types of Seismic Waves Earthquakes produce seismic (energy carrying) waves that race outwards from the focus in all directions. These waves move through the earth’s interior and across the surface.

4 Types of Seismic Waves : P-waves: “Primary”, fastest, S,L; waves compress and expand the ground like an accordian/slinky. S-waves: “Secondary”, slower, S; waves move side to side and up and down shaking ground back and forth; violent building/bridge damage; Absent from Earth’s outer core. Rayleigh Waves: when P- & S- waves reach the surface, these surface (rolling) waves cause severe damage


6 Measuring Earthquake Strength : Seismograph: instrument used to measure and record seismic wave magnitude. Magnitude: amount of energy released. Mercalli Scale: descriptive scale (containing 12 steps) to measure level of damage from an earthquake. Richter Scale: measures magnitude (strength) of earthquake by the size of the seismic waves. Each one-point increase equals 32 times more energy released (logarithmic scale)

7 Seismograph


9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 32x 1024x 32,768x 1,048,576x 33,554,432x 1,000,000,000x 10,000,000,000x 1,000,000,000,000x 10,000,000,000,000x 1,000,000,000,000,000x Richter (logarithmetic) Scale Magnitude relative strength Richter Value Mild Moderate Severe Catastrophic LEGEND


11 Locating The Epicenter : To determine the location of an epicenter, scientists determine the difference between the arrival times of the P-wave and S- wave. The farther away an earthquake is, the greater the time between the arrival of the P-wave and the S-wave. By drawing at least three circles using data from different seismographic stations, the intersection of the circles is the location of the epicenter.





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