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1 Wind Power Finance and Investment Brasil: vento, energia e investimento Sao Paulo 23 November 2007 Steve Sawyer Secretary General Global Wind Energy.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Wind Power Finance and Investment Brasil: vento, energia e investimento Sao Paulo 23 November 2007 Steve Sawyer Secretary General Global Wind Energy."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Wind Power Finance and Investment Brasil: vento, energia e investimento Sao Paulo 23 November 2007 Steve Sawyer Secretary General Global Wind Energy Council

2 2 Global New Investment in Clean Energy 2004 – 2007 (Preliminary 2007 figures; new money only) 92% Growt h Grossed-up estimate based on disclosed deals. New investment only. * 2007 estimate based on YTD Sept. Source: New Energy Finance 39% Growt h 25% Growt h *

3 3 Source: New Energy Finance Global Asset Financing by Sector 2004 – 2007 Grossed-up estimate based on disclosed deals. Numbers in brackets refer to total deals. Includes new build & refinancings, excludes project acquisitions. *2007 = annualised YTD

4 4 Wilder Hill New Energy Finance Global Innovation Index (NEX), Jan 2003 to October 2007 The NEX consists of the world’s largest, most liquid and most representative clean energy stocks. 30 December 2002 = 100 Source: New Energy Finance, American Stock Exchange

5 5 Supporting Wind Growth Feed-in Tariffs, Quotas and Tax Incentives Stimulate Leading Markets Total MW Installed Through 2006 Notes: “Other” refers to countries that have no incentive for wind power production, or only tax exemptions and direct investment subsidies Source: Emerging Energy Research Feed-in tariff mechanisms have created the largest markets; however, the quota model with tax incentives has stimulated significant market growth Feed in tariff Quota Quota + tax incentive Other

6 6 Supporting Wind Growth Policy Introduction Results Annual MW Installed Notes: Policy triggers include Germany EEG 2000, Spain Real Decreto 2818, USA PTC renewal 2004, India Electricity Act 2003, China RE Law Jan. 2006, Denamark Electricity Supply Act 1996, Italy Bersani Decree 1999/GC law 2003, UK RO 2002, Portugal Decree Law 339. 2007 MW installed based on EER forecasts. Source: Emerging Energy Research, governments. China’s Renewable Energy law debut ranks third worldwide in terms of annual MW added results. Mid-size European markets, <300 MW after policy launch USA: >4 GW after continuous PTC renewal China: >2 GW, 2 years after policy debut Years After Policy Introduction

7 7 Carbon Finance Total number of CDM projects Total number of CERs generated

8 8 For more information: Steve Sawyer +32 2 400 1030

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