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Objectives - Nonrenewable  Describe nonrenewable energy consumption.  Describe the production of energy from oil and natural gas.  Describe nonrenewable.

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Presentation on theme: "Objectives - Nonrenewable  Describe nonrenewable energy consumption.  Describe the production of energy from oil and natural gas.  Describe nonrenewable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objectives - Nonrenewable  Describe nonrenewable energy consumption.  Describe the production of energy from oil and natural gas.  Describe nonrenewable energy consumption.  Describe the production of energy from oil and natural gas.

2 Important Nonrenewable Energy Sources Fig. 15-10 p. 350

3 World Nuclear power 6% Hydropower, geothermal, solar, wind 7% Natural Gas 12% Biomass 11% Oil 32% Coal 21% Evaluating Energy Resources  Renewable vs. nonrenewable  Future availability  Net energy yield  Cost  Environmental effects Fig. 15-12 p. 351

4 Back to the Future! Year 2100202519501875180 0 0 2020 4040 6060 8080 100 Contribution to total energy consumption (percent) Wood Coal Oil Nuclear Hydrogen Solar Natural gas

5 Oil  Petroleum (crude v heavy crude)  35% economical (more with higher prices)  Petrochemicals - byproducts  Refining  Transporting – net energy

6 Oil Supplies  OPEC – 67% global reserves  US – 3% reserves; Uses 26% of production  Supplies declining Oil (million barrels per day) 60 50 30 20 10 19701980199020002010 Year 40 2020 0 HistoryProjections Domestic Supply Consumption  Energy crisis?

7 How Long Will the Oil Party Last? Saudi Arabia could supply the world with oil for about 10 years. The Alaska’s North Slope could meet the world oil demand for 6 months (U.S.: 3 years). Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge would meet the world demand for 1-5 months (U.S.: 7-25 months)

8 How Long Will the Oil Party Last? We have three options: –Look for more oil. –Use or waste less oil. –Use something else.

9 Oil Advantages and Disadvantages Low land use Easily transported within and between countries High net energy yield Low cost (with huge subsidies) Ample supply for 42–93 years Advantages Moderate water pollution Releases CO 2 when burned Air pollution when burned Artificially low price encourages waste and discourages search for alternatives Need to find substitute within 50 years Disadvantages Efficient distribu- tion system

10 Oil Shale and Tar Sand  Oil shale - rock  Low net energy  Tar sand Fig. 15-28 p. 361  Low grade  Large supplies

11 Natural Gas  50-90% methane  Drilled with oil  Larger supplies  Cleaner Fig. 15-29 p. 362  Synfuel Synfuel

12 How Would You Vote? Do the advantages of relying on conventional oil as the world’s major energy resource outweigh its disadvantages?

13 Objectives – Nonrenewable Energy

14 Objectives - Nonrenewable  Describe nonrenewable energy consumption.  Describe the production of energy from oil and natural gas.  Describe nonrenewable energy consumption.  Describe the production of energy from oil and natural gas.

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