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Physical Science Interior of the Earth. Earthquake And Volcano Map.

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Presentation on theme: "Physical Science Interior of the Earth. Earthquake And Volcano Map."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical Science Interior of the Earth

2 Earthquake And Volcano Map

3 Earthquake Information ards/category.php?cat_id=12


5 We understand the components of our earth by looking at Seismic wave – waves traveling through the earth From Yahoo Images

6 Seismic Waves Body Waves – travel through the earths interior Surface Waves – travel on the earths surface From Yahoo Images

7 Body Waves Primary waves (p wave) longitudinal type waves travel in all directions from source move faster than s waves Secondary waves (s wave) Transverse type wave Similar to waves produced from a violin string Cannot propagate through liquid

8 Surface wave Rayleigh waves – move in an up and down motion Love waves – move in a side to side motion

9 S Waves Do Not Travel Through Liquids From Yahoo Images

10 Waves Through the Earth



13 The core Inner core – composed of Iron and nickel solid Outer core – liquid iron and nickel – the flow of these metals produces the magnetic field From Yahoo Images

14 The mantle Composed of hot iron rich silicate rocks

15 Upper mantle Asthenoshphere – lower portion plastic like properties Lithosphere – floats on the asthenoshpere and includes the crust


17 Continental crust is less dense than ocean crust – floats

18 Continental drift Pangaea – having all the continents together as on land mass

19 Evidences for such a theory Mountain chain similarities Identical rock compositions Similar fossil findings Climatic data – ice sheets Change of the earths magnetism





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