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VOLCANOES Earth’s Fiery Release B56a. VOLCANO mountain produced by repeated eruptions –magma rises to the surface because it is less dense than the surrounding.

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Presentation on theme: "VOLCANOES Earth’s Fiery Release B56a. VOLCANO mountain produced by repeated eruptions –magma rises to the surface because it is less dense than the surrounding."— Presentation transcript:

1 VOLCANOES Earth’s Fiery Release B56a

2 VOLCANO mountain produced by repeated eruptions –magma rises to the surface because it is less dense than the surrounding material

3 WHERE VOLCANOES FORM Divergent Plate Boundaries Convergent Plate Boundaries –continental-oceanic –oceanic-oceanic Hot Spots

4 HOT SPOT area of asthenosphere that is hotter and less dense than the surrounding material magma rises located within a plate (not at the edges where two plates come together) (B9, Fig. 28)

5 HOT SPOTS CREATE ISLAND ARCS Hot spot is fixed as plate moves over a hot spot, a chain of islands forms Hawaiian Islands (B9, Fig. 29)

6 PARTS OF A VOLCANO CRATER - hole at top of volcano VENT - hole where magma leaves the crust MAGMA CHAMBER - area of hot magma in the mantle (B9, Fig. 30)

7 EFFECTS OF EROSION volcanic neck - sides of a volcano erode faster than the core –leaves the core sticking up out of the ground

8 EFFECTS OF A HUGE ERUPTION caldera - large depression at the top of a volcano –large eruption collapses the top of the volcano –often fill with water –Crater Lake (misnomer)


10 1 - SHIELD VOLCANO basaltic magma –oceanic plates thin, dense gas & water allowed to escape quiet eruptions lava flows flat, broad shape

11 2 - CINDER CONE granitic magma –continental crust thick, not very dense gas and H 2 O trapped explosive/violent eruptions tephra and ash produced steep sided, tall

12 3 - COMPOSITE VOLCANO basaltic and granitic magma (continental and oceanic crust) gas and H 2 O sometimes trapped quiet and violent eruptions lava flows and tephra moderately sloped

13 ASSIGNMENT Make a table comparing the three types of volcanoes. INCLUDE: name, magma type, amount of trapped gases, eruption type, eruption material and shape.

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