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Community Based Jobs: Creating Fertile Economic Gardens and Enabling Local Resident Entrepreneurs in Tough Times Big Ideas for Job Creation Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "Community Based Jobs: Creating Fertile Economic Gardens and Enabling Local Resident Entrepreneurs in Tough Times Big Ideas for Job Creation Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Based Jobs: Creating Fertile Economic Gardens and Enabling Local Resident Entrepreneurs in Tough Times Big Ideas for Job Creation Conference June 16, 2011

2  Increasing economic opportunity and sustainable prosperity for people, companies, and communities  Helping states, regions, and communities reimagine policies and investments that support work and learning in the 21 st century  Engaging in public policy research, development, and technical assistance in the areas of education, economic, and workforce development

3  Growing out of work CSW has been doing in communities around the country  Engaging at the nexus of economic, workforce, and community development  Documenting the emergence of this in Detroit – Food Systems and Building Upgrades  Comparing Detroit to a few other places  Analyzing against criteria (feasibility, replicability, scalability, sustainability)


5 Sustainable Economic Development Natural Capital Social Capital Economic Capital

6  Responding to untapped local market development,  Building capacity of resident entrepreneurs and local businesses  Targeting sustainability-driven sectors and clusters where TBL wealth building can happen  Focusing on industries where startup and small-to-medium businesses can thrive  Paying attention to quality of jobs and who in the industry has access to them  Creating pathways for low-income low-skilled workers

7 Engaging Residents & Building Skills Employing Economic Gardening Targeting Emerging Sectors Organizing Communities to Drive Public Demand Market Development Industry Sector & Cluster Development Small Business Development Human Capital Development

8  Emerging cluster of activity  Community interest and demand for alternatives  Desire to organize and build a sector or cluster partnership  Skills, credentials and agreements for workers  Set of economic gardening and enterprise development efforts  Alignment of public and private sector stakeholders

9 Emerging sector creating local jobs Taking steps to educate and organize community demand  Adapting sector strategies to address demand and supply  Unusual level of public-private- nonprofit collaboration toward sustainable industry, jobs


11 Policies, Programs, Practices Community Based Organizations Government (fed, state, local) Private-SectorLabor Unions Philanthropy

12  Enabling It – the policy piece  Building It – the market piece  Supporting It – the business services and capacity building piece  Supplying It – the workforce training piece  Sustaining It -- the systems building and scaling part

13  Practicality  Feasibility  Replicability  Adaptability  Scalability  Sustainability

14 Jeannine LaPrad jmlaprad@skillework.or g Michael DiRamio

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